In Today's Horoscope: You Are an Idiot

The earth used to be flat in our minds. Then it was round for a time, but the Sun and the stars kept revolving around us. And really, how could it be otherwise, as we deemed ourselves the most important beings in the Universe. After all, the Universe was created for us.

Earth-centered system
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Then, thankfully, someone realized that we are not all that important. Our planet is but a small speck on the canvas of the universe. Any person, who's gone through elementary school is very much aware of this fact and has a basic understanding of our Solar system.

Yet, in 2016 - no, let me rephrase that - in the 21st century, there are people who mentally prepare for their day, by reading their horoscope from the morning newspaper.

The following non-exhaustive list of assumptions is made by educated human beings:

  • Astrology and horoscopes, a four-thousand-year-old system of determining people's future, has stood the test of time as being precise and accurate - it wouldn't exist or be used otherwise.
  • The positions of the celestial bodies at the precise moment of their birth determine their future.
  • There are only twelve human characters, which are very distinctive. A population of 7.5 billion people on the planet means that 625 million have the same character traits as they do.
  • On this very day, that they are reading their horoscope on, the planets have aligned in such a way, that they affect certain aspects of their life positively, but affect other aspirations in a negative way.
  • A highly educated and experienced astrologist, working at the local newspaper, knows their immediate future and that of millions of other subscribers. There are only twelve types of future events that could occur on this day, neatly summed up on one page.

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Certainly, there are many other false assumptions to list. But if you still hold a firm belief in astrology and horoscopes. Then I ask the following:

  • Since the establishment of the horoscope system, there have been several new planets discovered. Why haven't their interactions been accounted for, when calculating their effects on people's lives?
  • The earth's axis has shifted its angle by approximately 30 degrees, in effect changing the dates of the zodiac. This means that your may think you are a Libra, but really be a Virgo. But why did the Libra horoscope work for you, when you are in fact a Virgo?

The Barnum effect and the psychology behind your horoscope

The Barnum effect refers to people, who find personal meaning in a statement, which actually applies to a group of people.

Astrologists, really, are good psychologists. They know how to summarize everyday problems and write about them in a general way. And if you still don't believe me, ask a friend to read a random horoscope for you, each day. You'll quickly find out most of them apply perfectly to how you feel and what you expect in your immediate future.

Your Steemit horoscope for today:

01.01. - 31.12. Sign: A Human Being.
You will read an article, which will open your mind to true science. A smarter you will laugh at your friends' logical fallacies, but help them see their mistakes.

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