When Time meets Opportunity, Magic Happens!

It is against the natural order of things when you see princes walking right behind their servants riding on horses. It is not elitist; it is simply the way life is structured. There are those who are born with a silver spoon, in to wealth unlimited and influence every other person can only dream about. Some will say life is not fair in its distribution of wealth and opportunities but in the distribution of time, there is equality although equity. Every man has the same number of hours in a week (168 hours) with which to turn his or her fortunes around. What we do with it determines the level of luck we will find in life.

Image credit@ Success in Industry

Some people wait for the goddess of good luck to smile on them or look their way, but on the contrary, good luck more often than not, finds those who are prepared for opportunity. It is like a river, most times, it flows without looking back. Once it is gone, it is almost certain that it is gone, except the event runs its full course.

Image credit: Insider Financial

Opportunities are everywhere. As long as there is a problem, an opportunity must emerge. Problems are gateways to wealth; they are signals that there is a lack of expertise at that moment to dealing with that situation. Whoever has the ability or skill set to deal with the situation and get result, gets rewarded. The level of reward awarded to a man is directly proportional to the complexity of the problem he is able to solve. That is why a brain surgeon is paid $165 an hour and a storefront window cleaner is paid $10 an hour for all his sweat! These skills don’t just manifest suddenly in a man or woman, you exchange the time life has given you to acquire the knowledge and skill to become who you want to become. If you want to become a medical doctor, you should be ready to trade seven years of your life in medical school after primary and secondary education for knowledge in the field of medicine.


Image credit: The Balance

I remember years back in a shopping mall where I went to do some shopping, I saw a young lady looking like she was stranded. I felt she was desperately trying to approach someone without luck but eventually approached me. She told me she needed to make an urgent call to someone whom she seemed to have lost within the mall. She mentioned she had no credit on her phone.

Image credit: Quickmeme

As I reached into my pocket to get my phone out, I felt a bit embarrassed because I had an old Samsung E1200 which costs about $15 and there she was with a spanking new iPhone 5. Ironic you’d say. There was simply no comparison. I gave her my phone, she looked through her phone to get out the number she wanted to call and she eventually made the call. She thanked me as she retuned my phone. And as we began to part ways, it occurred to me that aesthetics and class actually didn’t matter to her at that point. She had a beautiful phone that couldn’t do the basic function for which her phone was made and everything stood still for her until I came along to rescue her with a phone that worked even though it was dated! Life is really about functionality. It is not about how fanciful, but about what you are able to get out of it, how much you are able to draw on the opportunities you have to get to your desired goal or destination.

Time naturally is always in a state of entropy, the highest level of disorderliness possible. One will only need to force order out of chaos. If you are not disciplined with your time, you will find out it is simply slipping away without being able to accomplish anything.

Image credit: neepow.com

But if you force order, by way of discipline, by way of time scheduling and timetabling, you will find out that with order, comes results! Use the opportunity you have within the timeframe you have got, and good luck will smile at you and it shall go well it with you. Even if there is a twist, then you would have tried your utmost best to succeed!

Image credit: Leading Men Only

Today is the tomorrow you were looking forward to yesterday. Whatever happened yesterday has become history. You have another opportunity, Today, to rewrite history, please, don’t let it slip. Like the good book says, the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong but time and chance happens to them all. When time and opportunity meet, it creates Magic!

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Happy Steeming

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