Monday Evening Thoughts: Count Your Blessings..No Matter How Stressed!

Sometimes being a new parent has its breaking point. With a nonstop crying baby, waiting to hear back from the bank on a pending home loan, and a broken cell phone. I have to sit back and take deep breathes and count the blessings I do have.

I am beyond blessed to have such a beautiful child and a perfect soon to be wife. But the idea of not putting them in the perfect home and having everything perfectly together has almost brought me to my breaking point today. In the middle of a home loan, for the house that I currently live in...I had a group of people come and walk into my back yard as if they were about to put an offer in on my house. As an adult this seriously felt like a nightmare. I have never came across a beyond stressful situation like this, so as a still young 25 year old male I politely told my fiance nikki to hold my baby girl Nala and stay inside. In such a kind manner.....I foolisly slammed my phone against the wall.. walked outside and asked "Why the fuck you in my backyard?"......
(I do not like speaking like that to people, and I am discouraged I could not hold myself together to speak in a respectable tone. But this time, I ashamedly did.)

Needless to say the hopeful homeowners left, and after hearing from the bank at the end of the day, things did go well. But the simple idea of losing things that mean the world to you, and the thought of losing the place that I worked so hard to make my families home is a heart dropping and pounding moment.

At the end of the day things do happen for a reason, and any place I leave there is a better place to go. But everybody be thankful for what you got, and count your blessings at the end of the day.

Please enjoy your work weeks and Steem On.

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