About my DAY: My trip on the bike. Approximately 35 kilometers.

I would like to tell you about my bike ride today. I could go on any form of transport, but I chose a bike. I confess that I have not ridden a bike for long distances. And today, I decided to test myself probably. And I did it! A little about my bike tour.

35 kilometers I drove 3 hours. Of these, about 1 hour I rested. Now, in order.

My bicycle - Cannondale Trail 6.

Little was driving on a rural road.

I biked to normal road and began a field of corn.

Western European (German) style of architecture of these houses.

The road is narrow and I had to be careful.

My bike.

Then some photos.

City landfill waste. It is sad to admit, we processed only 12% of household waste. The rest is simply buried.

I enter the city.

Horses )


Over the past 3 years in the entire city bike isolated road.

Some more photos

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