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Determine the most popular months for divorces

I did not expect that this news concerns me personally. Right now, in August, after 15 years of marriage, I'm thinking about divorce. Not just thinking, and almost decided. Now I think that sometimes I just need to wait.

Sociologists from the University of Washington identified the most popular with American families for months divorces. On this, scientists reported at the 111th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

The most common months for the submission of applications for divorce were March and August. That is the conclusion reached by sociologists, studying divorce documents issued in the State of Washington for years 2001-2015, including in rural areas, where the spouse can leave the mail notification.

Observed regularities experts associated with the cyclical processes in the relationship - winter and summer holidays and vacations, during which family members are in close contact with each other. This leads, according to scientists, to the manifestation of the potential problems, one option which permits the couple see the divorce.

Additional factors pushes the spouses to parting it in March and August, is the completion and the start of the school year, as well as financial streamlining after the holidays.

The researchers also analyzed the divorce statistics in other US states (Ohio, Minnesota, Florida and Arizona) and have come to similar conclusions. In the future, social scientists plan to study the impact of the recession on divorce, mortgages and employment of family members.

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