Why failures can turn into a success. Retrieved on my own experience and the experience of well-known people.

My failure stopped me and helped me realize that I forgot my family (my son and my daughter). I changed business. Of course I was lucky that next to me were real friends who helped and moral supported me. And I believe in Steemit.

Even if you have suffered a setback, do not worry. In this lesson, you can make a lot of useful information.

You can not just go and win! Without defeats no wins. Failures - this is exactly what you need to reach the goal and do something better. Given all this, I've gathered some tips on how to benefit from the failures.

Failure gives you the opportunity to try something new, instead of doing what you've always done, and get what you did before. Lessons learned from the failures will help you to understand what did not work before and what might work the next time. Do the same - a bad option. If success is so important to you, you do not want to fail again, so try something new - it is the only option.

Each stroke of fate - this is a test of your character on the durability and strength.

Mistakes teach you that not everything happens exactly when you want it. But it also teaches that sometimes you must change the direction or attitude - that's all it takes to achieve success.

When you make a mistake, mistake stops you and helps to ask yourself whether you do the right thing. This will help to work on their priorities and realize that now is more important to you. Your priorities are - what makes you do what you're doing, and they are the reason for why you do that. Failures help focus, step back and start all over again.

But those are who turned failure into success: Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, Marilyn Monroe, Brian Acton, Henry Ford, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and many more people about whom we do not know ....

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