Airing out my stress: Is Money Worth the Emotional Toll of Stress

This will not be my usual blog about money or finance. I will use this post as a way for me to vent out the stress and anger I am feeling right now. To anyone who even bothers to read this, please bear with me.

I mentioned in an earlier post about a hostile takeover of our company that left the most of the executive and managers unemployed. Let me go deeper on that. The head of the tech team somehow poisoned the mind of the founder of the company into agreeing to give the reigns over to her. Not only is she undeserving but this is also a flat-out dumbass move.

Allowing the head of the tech team you outsourced to also head your startup is stupid. You just gave them the ability to bypass every internal control and gave them the power to commit fraud and hide the evidence at the same time. It boggles my mind how people who graduated in the top ivy league schools in the US could make these decisions. This coupled with the fact that our system is not only overpriced but also, in all sense of the word, sucks. To the naked-eye our system is meh. But to an experienced developer, it is even worse. I showed it to a friend of mine who had 14 years experience as a programmer and he told me that an idiot who took 6 months of programming lessons could develop it. That's how bad it is.

Well anyway, why is the title about the worth of money? You see they may have retrenched me, but in order for me to be fully released and get my last pay, I have to finish utterly impossible tasks that on normal circumstances would take me at least a month to complete. Another insult to injury. All that stress for my last pay of $1,400. That might seem small in the $ figure but in our country that is the monthly salary of an experienced manager. This is some of those instances where exchange rates don't justify a currency's value.

I am so stressed thinking my ass off on how to accomplish the task they want that I haven't eaten in 2 days. Not only that, but I haven't written in Steemit nor monitor my investments during those 2 days. Is $1,400 really worth all this stress? Well, the clear answer is NO. I already have enough savings and investments to survive a long time unemployed, and with my resume, I won't stay unemployed for long.

So why am I still stressing out? For revenge of course. I will not allow them the satisfaction of seeing me leave money on the table. I will get that $1,400 and to prove to them and to myself that I can accomplish whatever task is given to me.

All I know is one day, karma will come to everyone. The amount of money you have does not make you immune to the laws of the universe.

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