Making Friends As An Adult

Sometimes meeting new people and making new friends as an adult can be difficult. If we move to a new place for work or some other venture, it's especially hard because we might not know anybody in the surrounding area. Quite often it is going to require a bit of effort in order to find new people with common interests who are open to forming a new friendship with others.

When I was in school it was a lot easier, because I would be a part of different clubs or sports and could easily meet people that way. Sometimes I would meet them in class as well, working on various class assignments or projects. It felt a lot easier to make friends as a child than it does now.

Work is also another place to meet new friends and I have been fortunate enough to meet some great ones there as well that have turned into long-lasting connections. But how else can we go about meeting friends as adults?

There are a variety of different ways that you can do it, and here I'm going to share some of my personal favorites.


Volunteering is a great way to get out there and not only do something nice for others but meet some cool people as well. Chances are that through your volunteer work you will make some really deep and meaningful relationships with caring people.

Joining some sort of club or organization, whether it be a book club at the local library, a hockey team, or a swim exercise class, there are always a number of different things going on in the community, it's just about taking the time to find something for yourself.

Niche-search: look for chat rooms, youtube channels, facebook pages, or group meet-ups that are specific to a certain niche that you are interested in. Do you like Mechanics? Boxing? Cars? There are a number of different chat rooms and places that you can meet people who will specifically bond with you over something that you are really passionate about and that could be the starting point to a great new friendship.

Aside from these ideas, there are also a number of emerging apps that are seeking to meet this need for people as well. Many introduce people in the same way that the Tinder app would and other similar services. Hey! VINA, Yonder, Skout, and Meetup, are just some of the popular apps that are being used by people to help make new connections with people in their own community and around the world. And steemit, as with the other platforms, has the same opportunity to foster the opportunity where you can meet some really inspiring and creative individuals.

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