Steem Exclusive: Steemit Superstar, HeidiTravels On How Steem Changed Her Life

As @heiditravels recently recounted (A Chance Encounter With The Dollar Vigilante: Jeff Berwick) the stars seemed to align for a chance meeting between the two of us in Miami a few days ago.

I was just passing through the USSA for as short of a time as possible (it's too much of a police state and too unfree for my liking) on my way to the Dominican Republic to become a citizen and we managed to meet up.

Her story is quite fascinating. Less than two months ago she only dreamed of living a life of world travel and adventure. She had just saved up for her first big trip and was in Tahiti when she began to post on Steemit about it... and the Steem dollars began to flow in. Now she is living the Steem Dream and was just packing for her trip to Africa to swim with great white sharks... all funded by Steem.

I asked her all about it, and more, and you can see it exclusively on Steemit (it is unlisted on Youtube) here:

50% of all Steem dollars generated by this post will be transferred (and publicly verifiable by viewing my wallet) to @heiditravels . That's just another really cool use of Steemit... if you get good content by interviewing or working with other people you can easily, and verifiably, transfer whatever percentage of the Steem dollars you like to that person, or to a charity, or whatever you like.

Stay tuned and follow me here at @dollarvigilante as I've got another Steem Exclusive coming up in the next few days with another Steemian... one of the most famous big wave surfers in the world.

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