Autism: A personal note

Blue Butterflies

On a walk the other day, I had the desire to try my hand at some street photography after being inspired by the beautiful shots of my friend @countrygirl. I came upon this precious piece.

Today, @laviniatherapist reminded us all that it is Global Autism Awareness Day. In honor of this day, you can see some beautiful buildings and wonders bathed in blue light. If you've seen a blue butterfly today, this is the reason.

How wonderfully timely that I had this picture on my phone!

My favorite posts are posts that reveal a little peek into the author's life. Research is valuable, and facts are important - but when I spend my time reading a post, I want to walk away from it with my world gently shifted. I want to feel something. I crave that connection, no matter how slight.

In the spirit of that, I'd like to share a mother's perspective on loving my autistic child.

I remember crawling into his world, waiting to gain his trust.

I remember eye contact.

I remember holding his hand, as we walked together to join the "scary world out there".

I remember the day when he said I love you for the first time, and meant it.

I remember teaching him the difference between feeling scared and feeling excited.

I remember when toys became objects of play, and not just objects of sound.

I remember learning that black and white can be comforting, while grey is scary and unpredictable.

I remember when hugs became desirable and not avoided.

I remember when eating lunch at 12:01 became acceptable.

I remember watching the realization that letters made sounds... made words... made communication.

I remember when he finally realized he was brilliant.

I remember the first joke that didn't need to be explained.

I remember the giddy laugh that followed.

I remember the first joke he created.

I remember aching when I saw him eating alone.

I remember understanding his preference for solitude.

I remember panicking about age 3, 12, 19, 25, 36...99

I remember breathing and taking it one day at a time.... still.

I remember this gift, everyday, and for the rest of my life.

April is Autism Awareness Month.

*All images were created by me.*
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