Little Free Libraries - the decentralized librarychain.


I'm sure many of you have heard of Little Free Libraries. A place you can go to leave book for someone to read or grab a book to read yourself. No library card or even librarians or library buildings necessary. Some of them are at coffee shops, or by schools and churches, some of them are in front of private residences. Hardly any of them look the same. Or have the same book selection. but hey, that's alright!


There are more and more Little Free Libraries being built everyday in countries all across the world. A map where you can look up the closest Little Free Libraries. Or a place where you can build one yourself, verify it and open it to the world when they add it to their map.


One of the best things about Little Free Library is that you have the ability to curate and choose the book. maybe throw something in there that had an impact on you. Leave a note. Tell them it was donated by , encourage them to leave a review of the book on steemit. or tell them to come read your book review on steemit!
Also, its open 24/7 and available in areas where books are scarce. If its not. You can build it and people will come (moreso after you post the location on the map at their website which can be found here

So if one of the over 50,000 Little Free Libraries in over 70 countries is located near you. You should make time and go check it out. Leave a book and grab a book if there is one you like! And if there isn't one near you. Maybe its time to change that and build a steemit little free library! Maybe there will be a #steemgig soon and someone (me) will pay a few of you to donate a book, or for one ambitious steemian to get paid to build a steemit little free library!

I will be going to donate a few books I wasn't able to give out while I was out doing my steemgig posted here

Thanks for reading everyone! Please resteem, like, and follow. And let me know if you think that's a good idea for a steemgig below? Or if your ambitious enough to donate or build a little library! Or if you just have suggestions to help me do better on my future posting! Have a good day everyone!

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