It's better to "know" than "own"!

It's better to know than own!

This one old wise saying comes from my late great grandmother.

I have foggy memory on her, but I will always remember these words. People say that she was a humble and god fearing woman, lived through the both of World Wars and gathered many life experiences.

Old folks have the simplest solutions for the most complicated life problems. And those simple solutions are universal are valid in all situations in life, no matter who you are and what are you trying to do! But all of those sayings were firstly made long time ago and now is the question: are they valid today as they were in the history?

So, when my great grandmother said that it's better to know than own, it was the result of her experiences from early and middle 20th century.

In that time, people who had fields, a lot of land, or pigs or sheep were considered as wealthy people. Especially those who owned the fields of corn, because a big part of economy here depended on corn production.
But what would happen if the owner of those properties do not take care about them? There are a lot of people who own things about which they don't know a bit and they don't show any interest to improve their goods and learn about them.
When someone doesn't own anything but has a lot of knowledge about things, he can turn a little piece of the land in an empire!

Things haven't changed about "knowledge" and "ownership" during the years.

If you own something that you can't lead, that you can't improve or navigate into better future, you will lose everything very soon. And someone who has knowledge but doesn't own anything will use his knowledge to achieve things by himself. When you don't own anything, but you have a pretty good knowledge, then you're much richer than the one who own things without proper knowledge!

Knowledge is not material!

If you have any life questions, ask them...

... and they will know all about it, for sure!

Thank you!

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