Taking care of myself... is that selfish???

In my life, it is always all about the others!

It doesn't matter that I just started to eat, if you need the ride, I'll pick you up for a minute and take you wherever you need. I'll gladly give you a hand with anything you need, it doesn't matter that I just came from my work and haven't taken any food or rest. I'll always take the whole responsibility to relieve people around me. I will take the risk and wait in my car for two hours on some suspicious parking place just because you wished for 2 grams of weed. I'm saving money for a new car, but I will borrow some to you because you want that vacation so badly!

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I don't have time to think about myself, my needs and my health.

I'll be sitting on your head while explaining to you the importance of breakfast, but I'll eat my first meal in a day at 2 PM. The car of my neighbor is broken, so, of course that I'll take the man in supermarket with last two liters of fuel, wait for him in my car for an hour and refuse any returning of the favor. Once, I convinced a heavy smoker, who is as twice smoker as I am, to stop to smoke, but with a cigarette in my mouth.

And all this time, when I did something for myself, I would feel bad about it. Like I was selfish! So, when I have to do something for myself, I turn to the laziest person in the world. Maybe I don't inspire myself? That's how I became the worst enemy of myself. We live in society where if I win, the people who are the closest to me will lose. And I don't carry a mirror around to look at myself all the time, all I see are the others.

No matter from which point do you look, we are all individuals and If everybody takes good care about himself, the individual doesn't need so much help from the others. So, work for yourself, pray for yourself and think about yourself!

What made me to think about this?

I saw my mom digging in the garden and asked how can I help her. She told me that I can help her only by helping to myself! Well, that would relieve her of thinking am I fine or not. So, I have to take care of myself to help others! And now I have to think about myself as a future father. The child will depend on me, so it would be nice if that child will have a healthy, strong father who takes care about himself for the benefits of a child. And that's why "taking care of yourself" is one of the most unselfish things in life.

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