When a man rushes through his life, he rushes to die

Impatience is gonna get you killed!

This wise old saying comes from my late grandpa. My father's line is not so long - living as my mother's (I have a great grandpa who still lives).

Few words about the author of this saying and the circumstances in which this saying was used!

My grandpa was a drunk.

Through his career of a drunk, he drank few tanker ships, but all of the time he remained good - tempered. Actually, he was more aggressive when he was sober. He drank a lot and my grandma tried to prevent him. She carefully hid all vine bottles and all family looked after grandpa. Few years before he died, the doctor said that he shouldn't smell the vine anymore. So, it was prohibited to him, but we were finding vine bottles in laundry machine, in the garden even covered with a pile of sand... He was hiding of us and drank whenever and wherever he got chance.

Second thing that he loved the most was - EATING.

He was a little man, 1,68 meters tall, but he weighted 120 kilograms. He lost some kilos few years before he died. But he was the lover of roast meat and he hated any sort of salad and vegetables. He was very stubborn about food. When I was a kid, when I asked him for some change, he would give me some money only if it was for food or a snack.

He was born in 1935 in a very poor family and he had 7 brothers and one sister.

Their father wanted for all of them to be workers so, my grandpa left his home as 15 years old boy and started to learn for a mechanic. After that, he got the job in the "light metals factory" and he worked there for 40 years. That was in time of the communist regime, so the "party" gave him a flat in a building in which all workers from that factory lived. So, you work and live with the same people, of course that you will end up like a drunk! Luckily, my grandma had ambitions to build the house.

When he got retired, he turned to a laziest person in the world. He was sitting and drinking all the time. And all what he was saying was: "Take it easy", or "Slow down", or "Don't rush"... "If a man rushes through his life, he rushes to die"...

He died in December last year. I will remember him with a smile on my face! Thank you!

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