Creatures of Creation (The Third Chapter; Part I)

Perhaps the most ignorant genre of Deaf Phoenicians is the believer. The believer, by definition, believes. He does not know. He believes he knows. But one who knows something does so regardless of his beliefs. To believe is a choice. To know is not a choice. One either knows or does not know something. The only choice he has is to forget it. That which occurred may not be undone, just as words cannot be unsaid after they have been said nor unheard once they have been heard. This is the power of language. This is precisely why Truth is not relative and all assertions of such are erroneous. 

Let’s play with the word ‘believer,’ which equals be + lie + ver. The word ‘be’ indicates or describes “the identity, quality, or condition of a person or thing.” 

A ‘lie’ is an “intentional untruth, falsehood,” or “a statement that is intentionally made to deceive.” 

The word ‘ver’ in Mediterranean languages like Portuguese and Spanish is associated with sight, “to live through, to behold or witness something, a view or an opinion of something,” etc. But in French, ‘ver’ is a ‘worm,’ which is “a spineless, boneless, creature without legs or arms, that moves through tight spaces,” usually earth or water, which is why in English the verb ‘worm’ is “to move through a tight space.” But a ‘worm’ is also a “bad person, someone who is not liked or respected, a wretch, a snake or serpent,” or in technology, a ‘worm’ is a “computer program that performs a destructive action.”

In Icelandic, ‘ver’ is a “cover made of cloth,” which is the same meaning of ‘ver’ in Norwegian, ‘var’ in Swedish, and ‘vår’ in Danish. In Latin, ‘ver’ is the root word of “truth,” hence another word for truth is ‘veritas,’ which is why the goddess of Truth is Veritas, the daughter of Saturn, El, Dagon, God, which will support the hidden identity of Jesus later on. 

Phonetically, in Latin, the word ‘vēr’ is the season of spring, hence the word ‘vernal,’ as in vernal equinox, and can also be used as an adjective to describe something as “youthful, fresh, or new.” This is also where Venus comes from, which is the Roman goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, prosperity, and victory. Venus is also the planet that rules Taurus, which represents matter in its most spiritual state, an Earthy sign, a requirement for the manifestation of intelligence, hence it is a servant of Spirit, which is why Venus is the element of love in Nature. It is for this reason that Taurus, the body of the Bull, Isis, is encoded in the Riddle of the Sphinx.

Using Green Language in English, ‘ver’ could be made to sound like ‘veer,’ which is  “a change in course or direction” as a noun, but also “to change course or direction” as a verb.

In the word ‘be-lie-ver,’ a person is in a state (be) where a lie is intentionally concealing the truth (ver) from him or her, as evidenced in the word ‘concealing,’ where the truth is sealed (the correct spelling of the phonetic sound of ceal) by a con, “a trick or scam” (n.), but also “to swindle” (v.). 

This corresponds the Icelandic/Norwegian noun ‘ver,’ which is “a cover made of cloth,” which by definition conceals something, as well as to the English verb ‘veer,’ the phonetic option of ‘ver,’ because to ‘con’ is “to direct the steering or course of a vessel,” i.e. “to control, conduct, or conduce a thing.” 

The phonetic correspondence of ‘er’ in believ-er is ‘err,’ which means “to be led astray in thought or belief.”  And ‘liev’ equals ‘leave’ phonetically, which as a verb means, “to forsake or abandon.”

A ‘be-leave-err’ is “a living soul who, through trickery or ignorance, has been led astray in thought or belief due to the intentional concealment of Truth.” 

If this were not the case, the individual would not be a ‘believer,’  but a ‘knower,’ one who “perceives Truth directly, with clarity, certainty, and without doubt.” 

The Truth cannot be concealed from he or she who knows it, thus a ‘knower’ cannot be led astray in thought or belief, for he or she is anchored by Truth, and though he or she may plunge into the murky depths of information and speculation, he or she will ultimately return to Truth. This is the difference between a ‘knower’ and a ‘believer.’ The latter is literally and legally incompetent and lost at sea, for he or she cannot compete or see. Unfortunately, the majority of the population in this world has been swindled into becoming ‘believers’ from a very early age by those who know, and to think this does not correspond to the Black Magi is an erroneous belief, a leaf that will be turned, folded, and removed at the whim of he or she who holds it.

Which sea is the ‘believer’ lost in? The Holy See (Sea), the Ecclesiastical See (Sea),  the Law of the Sea. These are the laws of current-sea (currency), commerce, Uniform Commercial Code, Maritime Admiralty Law.


The irony in the term ‘Holy See’ is found in its correspondence to the word ‘divide.’ ‘Di’ in Latin means “god,” and ‘vide’ in Latin means “see,” thus Di (god) + vide (see) = Divide (God See). God is holy, thus the word ‘Divide’ is the same as the ‘Holy See.’ This is because if one looks for God anywhere outside of himself, he is divided by trying to see God. Thus the ‘individual’ (in + divide + dual) is “one who is ‘in’ a ‘dual’ state, phonetically a ‘duel’ state of contest or combat, created by the schism of trying to see God (Di-vide), and thus mistakenly being caught in the futility of trying to separate himself from God.” 

The creations are reflections of the creators, so in order to see the creative spark that manifests life, one must look within, to the creative source of his own spirit. The kingdom of heaven is within the hearts of men.

The Spanish word for ‘the sea’ is ‘el mar.’ ‘El’ is the word for ‘God’ in the Canaanite religion and the Hebrew Bible, found in many languages with the same etymological origin (cognates) of the word, such as Phoenician, Ugaritic, Syriac, Arabic, and Akkadian. Mars is the Roman god of war. In Ptolemy’s table of Essential Dignities (astrology), Mars is the only planet that rules all three water triplicities (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) during both the day and night. This is because Mars rules the oceans, the seas, Rome, and thus Roman Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea: commerce. This is where marshal law comes from. Hence, ‘el mar’ in Spanish has an occult meaning of ‘God Mars,’ in addition to ‘the sea.’ Rome merely stole all its gods and laws from ancient Greece, which is why Maritime Law also has Rhodian influences.

The word ‘maritime’ simply means “of or pertaining to the sea.” In Latin, ‘mare’ means “sea,” which corresponds to ‘mare’ in English, “the dark plains on the Moon,” because astronomers originally thought they were oceans. ‘Mare’ is also a female horse in English. Bad dreams are called ‘nightmares.’

In Old English, the letter ‘i’ was written as ‘y,’ so ‘maritime’ could also be ‘marytyme’ or ‘Mary-Time’ with no stretch of the imagination. Since Mary is Isis, which is the Moon, and Time is Kronos/Cronus, which is Chronos, where ‘chronological’ is derived, which is Saturn, the occult symbol of which is the Crown, it is no stretch of the imagination that ‘Mary-Time’ has the occult meaning of a symbiotic relationship between the Moon and Saturn: ‘Moon-Saturn’ or ‘Isis-El’ or ‘Moon-Crown.’ 

This same occult meaning is seen in the word ‘mindset,’ with ‘mind’ coming from the lunar god ‘Min,’ and ‘Set’ being not only an aspect of light in the ‘setting’ Sun, but also a symbol for ‘Saturn,’ or ‘Satan’ in astro-theology, hence the branch of the dark occult titled the Temple of Set. This is where we get the words ‘minutes’ and ‘hours’ from. ‘Minutes’ represents the Moon (Min) while ‘hours’ is an anagram for ‘Horus,’ which represents the Sun, the Egyptian Sun-god. Horus is the Sun at sunrise, hence the origin of 'horizon,' which is a combination of Horus and On, the city of the Sun. In the Zodiac, Horus corresponds to Aquarius, which is why some occultists refer to the Age of Aquarius as the Age of Horus. This is encoded in the head of the Sphinx, which is the head of man, the Water Bearer, as Aquarius is the Age of Man. It is also encoded in the Bible in Luke 22:10, “And he said to them, ‘Lo, in your entering into the city, there you shall meet a man (Aquarius), bearing a pitcher of water, follow him to the house where he doth go in.” This is because when the Bible was written, it was the Age of Pisces, and since the Aeons retrograde, it is explaining that the coming Aeon is that of Aquarius. 

From Noon (Nun, which is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the mother of Joshua/Jesus, which like 'sus,' also means "fish") till sunset, the Sun is known as ‘Ra,’ hence the term ‘rays’ of light. This corresponds to the period from Cancer through Libra on the Zodiac, which is why Leo is the Sun's House of Rulership.

If you add the Sun into the occult meaning of maritime, the word becomes ‘Moon-Sun-Saturn,’ otherwise known as ‘Isis-Ra-El,’ which when truncated becomes ‘IsRaEl’ = ‘Israel.’ This is why everyone, who knows anything about the mystery tradition that the modern desert sky-god religions plagiarize, knows that Israel is in the sky. Solomon’s starry temple is not to be found as a physical place on the earth. All claims that Israel and the Temple of Solomon are physical locations are erroneous, blasphemous, and immoral due to their intentionally deceptive nature. All members of the human family are Israelites. Everyone is included as God’s chosen people. The physical location named Israel is not the real Israel, nor will it ever be, and by their fruit you shall know them. The fruits of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are bloodshed and slavery. They are a perversion of the science of the stars and soul that comes from ancient Egypt. There are no retorts or defenses to this statement that can stand in Truth. Anyone who says otherwise is an absolute shill, because Truth is absolute. While the macrobes may forgive one’s nescience, he or she will not be saved should the laws of Nature be ignored. The same can be said for those who unknowingly blaspheme the Creator with their man-made religions.

This is why Jesus (‘Je’ means “I” in French + ‘sus’ means “fish” in Latin) is the son of Mary, the son/Sun of the Moon (the element of Water, the sacred Feminine), the same way Horus is the son of Isis, the Sun of the Moon: Solomon, the Soul of Man (Aquarius). ‘Virgin’ also means “pure, first, undefiled, without alloy or modification, not previously exploited, cultivated, or used,” and we’ve already established that ‘Mary’ also means “sea” through the Latin word ‘mare.’ Therefore, ‘Virgin Mary’ also means “Original or Pure Sea.” Jesus is symbolic to a fish because they are the fruits of the sea. Go with him and he will make you fishers of men. Jesus, the I-Fish, or Eye-Fish, is the sacred geometry of the the Vesica Piscis (Pisces), indicating those born in Time (Saturn) must die in Time, which is why he is the offspring of David (El, Dagon, Saturn), which makes him Ba’al, the Sun. Do you see? These stories are not historical accounts. They are personifications of occulted knowledge.  


The reason these allegories/metaphors have so many commonalities is because they were stolen from the same story of the stars, and the Zodiac, from ancient Egypt. This is why Monday is the Moon’s day, Sunday is the Sun’s day, and Saturday is Saturn’s day. We’ll delve deeper into this later, once the Deaf Phoenicians have been filtered, because they will never be able to know the black magick that is being performed on them. They’ll roam and ravage the earth as the dead, lost at sea, the sea of Moon-Time (maritime), till their souls are dissolved into more useful creations. But the Deaf Phoenicians who allow themselves to be raised from their coffins will again know their sovereignty and their Creator, and stop participating in these criminally phony systems.

To be continued...

This was an excerpt from my latest non-fiction novel. If this subject matter intrigues you, you can delve into my fantasy series for free as eBooks at most online retailers (iBooks, B & N, Smashwords, etc.)

Book 3 will be released in 2017:

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