Filmmaking as Sustainable Communication

My name is Alex E.B. Trapp, and I have participated in independent filmmaking with my friend, Jozef K. Richards for more than 13 years.


When I moved to Colombia, Jozef was the very first friend to come down and visit us, and he has done so several times now.

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One of the reasons that Jozef and I have connected on a deeper level is that he is incredibly driven to leave a lasting impact on this world, in his case through film and video. Whenever we get together we usually have a very productive time, such as when he came for a visit and we made a short community development video.

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We interviewed local leaders with sustainable projects and did more than just participate when we uploaded the final project; the video was later shared within the national Ministerio de Agricultura site!

Another time that he came to visit all our plans got jumbled up, and in the three weeks that he was here we storyboarded, scripted, cast, propped and shot a short film, a historical drama based on the history of our region.


Jozef has been one of my closest friends since we met in high school, in a class called Relationships. After sealing our friendship with a game of Mario 3, we’ve been friends ever since.

King’s Tower Productions

Throughout the years we have worked together on a variety of different projects, but I always get most excited when our visions come together, when we can combine his passion for quality video storytelling and creation with my dedication for sustainable solutions and healing.


This year Jozef brought me on the board of King’s Tower Productions, a small independent film house based in south eastern Wisconsin, to help direct the company as it transitions to its next project, Bird Land. We are very excited about Bird Land, where we will be able to bring more attention to not only sustainable living and community building, but also biodiversity and ecological issues with incredible visuals from some of the most spectacular biomes in the world.


We will be taking great dedication and care over the next year to create Bird Land and its accompanying world; I will be sure to bring you updates as we go along here, as well as shamelessly asking for your support.

To be able to complete our transition and prepare for Bird Land, we need a strong finish for King’s Tower Productions’ current project, generating sufficient hype and sales to be able to give Bird Land the treatment it deserves.

If you’d like to support us, right now we are selling T-shirts ahead of the September 30th Milwaukee premiere of King’s Tower Production’s latest film, Batman & Jesus, a narrative-driven documentary exploration of canonization.

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Stay in touch in the comments! And check out all the material from the fabulous ecoTrain by clicking on this wonderful green image!

Did you notice?
Many of todays images have links that, when clicked,
will take you to videos and pages that we have made!
I did that with anchor tags! Inside the first < anchor tag >
you can add a click through link with href=

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