Polish guy in Panama - The beginning

 Hello, my name is Adam. I recently (November 30 2016) moved to Panama (Central America).  Before that I lived in Poland except few short contracts in France, Sweden and Belgium plus the last 1 year I lived in UK, Oxford working as a chef in restaurant.

What was the reason I left UK? 

I fell in love! Yes that's true, call me crazy but I did it. Besides the fact that it's hard for people from Latin America countries to get residency and work permission etc it was easier for me as a European (Polish) to get all the requirements for those obstacles which I'm still into. But it doesn't mean it was easy for me to deal with all those officials and requirements, which are ridiculous most of the time. 

All that procedures takes time and step by step I was going with every single of them which was, and still is, really frustrating sometimes. My native language is Polish and second one is English, now I'm learning Spanish with obvious reasons. Panama is specific country for example, it suppose to be country which theoretically suppose to have two languages Spanish (as main) and English (additional) but sadly it's not working too much in national institutions or even airport (I have met some people who speaks English but that was rare situation). It was really hard at beginning when I came here, because I thought that if I know English I will be able to deal with a lot of daily issues like for example doing market. My wife speaks fluent English that's how we communicate. Still it's not our native language so we are learning our native languages to improve communication. As I said I'm learning Spanish she's learning Polish which Is real challenge (Polish is really hard like Chinese). 

Alright now some positives because besides few obstacles I had, Panama is beautiful country with wonderful nature and amazing landscapes. But great thing is that it's hot! Not like UK... raining 99% of the time. Panama does have raining season as well and it can be annoying but it's totally different climate. And the greatest thing for me is that this place is full of fishing spots and that is my biggest passion, also Panama represents totally different cuisine and that's my another passion. Cooking is something I "discovered" at the beginning of high school and I'm amateur chef with some restaurant experience. There is one very specific ingredient for Panama, it's herb "cilantro" (not to be confused with coriander), which I personally dislike and I didn't know why most of the people loves it. My wife made a research and found out that there is group of people who compares taste of that herb to washing liquid because of their genetics (). However I love to taste new cuisines and experiment with them and Panamanian one has a lot to offer for me.

Fishing was the essence of my life from the moment I first time went as 4 years old boy with my father to fish. That feeling when I caught first fish was incredible. From that time I started to connect and interest with nature really strongly. I remember that I was watching every documentary movie in TV I could only find and most of them were about marines and oceans. I stayed connected with nature all my life and that provided me to study ichthyology on Polish University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. I was learning a lot of new things, but it was focused on intercontinental waters which are fresh waters. We studied some marine and ocean knowledge later on my master level studies. I was always dreaming about to live in country like Panama to see on my own eyes all that oceanic and marine nature with all that coral reefs and fishes, so I did here in this beautiful place on the earth. I never thought that this dream is going to come true. I'm the happiest man on earth that I found all I need and love here, especially my wife because she is the reason I could be here in that place.

There is more things which are happening here and I want to share them with you guys. I'm not sure how do I want to present myself here (blog or just some simple stories) I wish to find out what's better. I hope you liked it. I'm sorry for my English it's kinda rusty with writing but I'll try better.

I also started to make some fishing videos, so you can see it here: 

Here you can find some of my other posts/stories:







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