
The red banana is a variety of banana skin with reddish-purple. Its fruits are smaller and fatter than the common and inside banana has a color ranging from yellow to pale pink. Red bananas are sweet and some varieties have a slight raspberry flavor. The red banana is very popular in many parts of the world for its beautiful color and delicious taste. Its origin is from Ecuador.

This kind of banana (Musa acuminata) is rich in carotene and provides a total of three antioxidant vitamins (such as A, E and C are), ideal for constipated, mildly laxative, energy, mineralizing, and slightly diuretic. Because of its high fiber content helps prevent heart disease and normalize bowel movement. Potassium prevents calcium loss via urine, caused by diets high in sodium, which prevents bone decalcification.

Furthermore red banana has antacid effects, protects gastric coating, promotes the production of mucus. It contains protease inhibitors that help eliminate bacteria causing ulcers.
A diarrheal episode, can leave a person without electrolytes. A single banana can restore potassium levels. Its pectin (one hydrocolloid or soluble fiber)


There are many varieties of the same species, some full-color and completely purple as Australian (cover photo) and others that combine different shades of red and yellow traditional banana (like the varieties grown in Central America).

You can say it is ready to be consumed when your skin takes on a reddish-brown almost purple, oil is consumed mainly as dessert or fruit salads.
Additionally it has an excellent flavor when used in cakes or other baked specialties. I could also be eaten fried or roasted

In America they are known with many names: Red Banana, Tafetan, purple banana, red banana, Pink Banana, Banana Red Banana or roxa. In Europe it is known as Banana pink, Banane of Cuba, Figue rose, Banana Cubabanaan or claret color. In English they are known as Red Dhaka or bananas network.

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