This week on STEEM COSMO...the @timcliff and @mynameisbrian interview

So sorry for releasing this late, I had a family function to attend yesterday and it took up my whole day.

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's edition of STEEM COSMO, the community's top choice magazine, where everyone is someone.
STEEM COSMO wishes you all a happy earning.
So last week, we interviewed @good-karma and @redhens, who lit it up, let us take you back on the journey so far in a quick catch up.....

Previously on STEEM COSMO

Our premiere edition was covered by the one and only @stellabelle. By the second week, the capable @pfunk was present with us and that was spectacular! On our third edition, we had the surfer girl @surfermarly representing. The fourth edition, was a special edition, with the lovely @steevc the geeky guitarist, as our guest. The fifth was graced by our very own Wild-man and philantrophist @papa-pepper. Last week, we had @onetree with us, last week we introduced the double edition and we had @good-karma and @redhens.

STEEM COSMO is the people's choice

And now on STEEM COSMO...

This week we explore the worlds of @timcliff, the "I love steemit" personality, and @mynameisbrian, who is his own words does comics + a lil bit of random.
Grab onto the edge of your seats for this thrilling ride......and it begins

STEEM COSMO INTERVIEW WITH @timcliff and @mynameisbrian

Welcome @timcliff

  • STEEM COSMO: STEEM COSMO: Welcome our dear guest to this week's edition of STEEM COSMO, may we know you

  • GUEST: Hey everyone! it's @timcliff here

  • STEEM COSMO: Well welcome @timcliff, can you tell us when you joined steemit

  • @timcliff: I joined July 2016

  • STEEM COSMO: Really cool, kindly tell us how you found steemit

  • @timcliff: My brother shared a post on his Facebook wall last July talking about Steemit and suggesting that people check it out. I read about it and became instantly interested. Over the next few days I read the site and whitepaper, and ended up investing $250 of my own money in STEEM. I still to this day think that this is an amazing project with a ton of potential, and I am super glad that I joined.

  • STEEM COSMO: @timcliff, what is your steemit ranking

  • @timcliff: Am ranked 71

STEEM COSMO: Tell us about your likes

  • @timcliff: I like watching TV, as well as going out for walks in the park near my house. Steemit too (obviously)

  • STEEM COSMO: And your dislikes

  • @timcliff: I really dislike dishonesty (in all of its forms). I can deal with most other forms of negativity from people pretty well, but dishonesty for some reason really bothers me.

  • STEEM COSMO: What are your hobbies

  • @timcliff: Steemit

  • STEEM COSMO: What is your favorite tag section

  • @timcliff: I'm actually one of those people that really like reading Steem/Steemit related posts. There are a lot of things going on with the platform right now, and lots of things to work on and improve. I think that many of the discussions about what is working well and what still needs to improve are really helpful. I like to be involved in the discussions and help out where I can.
    I also really like # art. It is so cool to see some of the amazing things that the people in the community create.

introduceyourself posts are fun too. I like seeing all the cool new people that are joining the platform.

  • STEEM COSMO: What are your thoughts on how you feel steemit can become better

  • @timcliff: I still think that more can be done to improve the on-boarding process. A lot has been done recently with the new account verification method, the quick start guide (formally welcome page), and FAQ - but there is still much to be done.
    A seamless process that gets users setup with an account, provides them with the information/tutorials that they need, and a community that nurtures them until they become successful is really one of the key things that we need to really take off.

  • STEEM COSMO: Valid points, what is your advice to all steemians

  • @timcliff: Don't worry as much about how much money you or others are making. Focus more on how you are adding value, and whether you are building relationships with people in the community.
    If you are adding value to the platform/community and making friends in the process, then I think you are doing it right.

  • STEEM COSMO: Give a shout out to two steemians

  • @timcliff: @intelliguy is someone that I had never met before I joined Steemit. Over the past year we interacted a lot and got to know each other quite well. He is one of the most genuine and nice people that I know, and someone that I consider a true friend.
    @smooth is the person I consider my mentor on Steemit. I had also never met him before I joined, but he has spent countless hours answering my questions and providing valuable insight on how the platform works. We don't always agree on everything, but even when we disagree, I have a ton of respect for the knowledge and level of caring/commitment that has for the community and platform.
    @abit is a model witness in my eye. He is really the only witness that I know of who reads through (and understands!) all of the code changes that are made for each hardfork. He has discovered and reported a lot of issues prior to the code being picked up by the witnesses, which has prevented them from making it into the live production chain. I have also seen him make extremely unpopular decisions, and ones that are against his own personal self-interest, in the interest of what he feels is best for the platform.
    @jamesc is one of the Steemit developers. In my early days as a Steemian, when I was still trying to make a name for myself, I sent him an email asking if he would provide any insight on what Steemit was working on. He was kind enough to reply, and while he didn't answer my question, he spent a few minutes making some suggestions on things that I could do to help add value to the platform. The advise he gave really helped me to find my "niche" in the community and be able to contribute in a meaningful way. We have continued to stay in touch, and he is another person that I consider a 'real friend' that I met through Steemit.
    @pfunk is heavily involved in a lot of things behind the scenes. He cares deeply about the platform/community and works hard to add value and help out in whatever ways he can.
    Oh, wait. Only two? Sorry

STEEM COSMO: Kindly leave us with some parting words of wisdom

Welcome @mynameisbrian

  • STEEM COSMO: Welcome our second guest to this week's edition of STEEM COSMO, may we know you

  • GUEST: Hello it's @mynameisbrian here

  • STEEM COSMO: Welcome @mynameisbrian, can you tell us when you joined steemit

  • @mynameisbrian: I too joined July 2016

  • STEEM COSMO: Can you kindly tell us how you found steemit

  • @mynameisbrian: I joined Steemit in July of 2016. At the time, I was into Bitcoin and Ethereum, so naturally when Steem was pumped to become the #4 crypto in just a matter of days I saw the news. I decided to sign up to see what the fuss was about and I was immediately hooked.

  • STEEM COSMO: @mynameisbrian, what is your steemit ranking

  • @mynameisbrian: Am ranked 73

STEEM COSMO: Let us know about your likes

  • @mynameisbrian: Well… I like drawing ridiculous comics obviously, but I also play the guitar, love traveling, and of course my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family.

Oh, and I almost forgot pizza - PIZZA ABOVE ALL THE THINGS!

  • STEEM COSMO: And your dislikes
  • @mynameisbrian: If you read my comics, you already know that I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. I also dislike taxi drivers and people that let their dog poo on their neighbor’s yard and don’t clean up the mess

STEEM COSMO: What are your hobbies

  • @mynameisbrian: Oops. I should have read ahead. Playing the guitar is my biggest hobby. I’ve been playing for almost 20 years now and although I’m not great by any means, it is a wonderful way to pass the time.

  • STEEM COSMO: What is your favorite tag section

  • @mynameisbrian: As you might expect given the content that I create, # funny is my favorite tag. I also love viewing illustrations that many Steemians are creating, so # art is up there too.

  • STEEM COSMO: What are your thoughts on how you feel steemit can become better

  • @mynameisbrian: Wow that is a loaded question that I don’t have an answer to. Steemit has a long way to go when it comes to UI/UX, so I am very curious to see what Steemit Inc. is going to roll out next.

  • STEEM COSMO: Give a shout out to two steemians

  • @mynameisbrian: I guess I can do that…

Hey @toonpunk I’ve been digging your illustrations
Hello @steevc. He plays guitar too

  • STEEM COSMO: Valid points, what is your advice to all steemians
  • @mynameisbrian:Don’t expect to succeed unless you are willing to put in a lot of effort. Sure, there is always the lucky individual that wins the lottery, but most of us must work hard to develop a following. That said, there are a lot of people that will put in the work and still won’t get the rewards. Persistence is key and keep tweaking your approach until you find what works best for you.

STEEM COSMO: Kindly leave us with some parting words of wisdom




Quote of the week

If plan A didn't work, relax and try harder, the alphabet has 25 more letters


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How to carve a perfect brow

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Confederation cup (Chile vs Germany) 2017 final highlight

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Top 5 smart watches you can buy in 2016/2017

A link to an awesome post from a Minnow or Dolphin


Latest happenings on steemit

  • EOS price increased
  • New upgrades were given to the eSteem app

STEEM COSMO's note: The two choices for this week are superb and have been consistent in their work. @timcliff and @mynameisbrian are simply amazing individuals.

To view our past editions of STEEM COSMO, click on any edition
@good-karma and @redhens

And that's a wrap from us here


If you love @timcliff and @mynameisbrian, give them an upvote and a resteem.

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