⏺ I give you my salute! Let's do things out of honor. My contribution! Part 1

Team work to make the dream work

I don't quite remember where I heard that quote from. All I know is that it's one that stuck! I love that quote because it just has so much meaning behind it. Here's another one in the same context that really stuck with me:

Give people what they want, and you can have anything you want
-Zig Ziglar-

We spend far too much of our lives in this day and age just focusing on ourselves.

Don't get me wrong, self-focus is very important, but I feel it isn't always completely necessary. There needs to be a good balance.

Alright, so I am not sure if you are a new reader to my content or not, but if you know about me here, then you will probably know about my Post Promotion Threads.

Basically what these are, are an opportunity I give you all to get my eyes on your content. For me, time is the most valuable asset. For that, I am donating my time. I want to help all you guys. I want to uplift you all with realistic encouragement, and throw some of my positivity to those in need.

The reason I am doing this, is because I didn't really have anyone to completely rely on for assistance here when I started Steemit 11 weeks ago.

I want to lead by example, and show the community that you need to give in order to receive. On top of that, you need to give that what is valuable to you, and give it unconditionally.

I want to create a good cause here. Stay tuned for Part 2 in the next 12 hours, where I will be discussing how the previous thread went, and how we are expanding from this point! I have a big vision for this cause.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
You got to spread your wings and soar! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @steemsoccer! Let's support his efforts!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Why I am not a millionaire yet! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #3: Comment your links! I am offering free services!!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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