⏺ Message to most people: Throw your phone away! Part 2


Your phone can be your best friend, or your worst nightmare. Which is it for you?
~Zane Bradshaw~

Yeah.. Sorry, I just had to reuse my quote. I still think it resonates with this topic the best!

This post is basically just going to be an extension from the previous one. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to read Part 1 of this 'Throw your phone away' post series. If you have, then let's proceed.

So, how can your phone be your worst enemy? It tricks you!

The average smartphone in the year 2017 has so many diverse features, that it cannot be possible to be able to keep up with everything. Now, we already know this. But the question is, was that an accident?

I am confident that there is more to these devices than we may think. They are in my opinion designed to distract you! Just think about it. Why would the rest of the world, the minority, want the majority to succeed? After all, it is the 1% of the world who design our phones, is it not?

Start thinking about this.. Forget the couple of apps on your phone. It's bigger than that. Do you really need all the things in your life? The materialistic things. Do you even need a phone at all??

Look, I agree a phone can be very handy. In this day and age, it is pretty much required, but let's be real.. You are going to survive without one. What about all the other things in your life. Your PC? All your pares of shoes? Your jewelry? Your kitchen appliances? Your TV? Your car? The list could go on forever!

When you have these things, you think it's normal. But sometimes we begin to live in a kind of second-reality. We need that reality-check sometimes. That this is all this in our heads.

Just take this as a small test. Do you think you need your phone? Like you cannot do anything without it? Here's what you need to do. Take your phone, and put it under your bed. Leave it there for an hour or two. You will notice that you didn't die!! Yay!

After this little moment of confidence you experience, you will be able to get through an entire day without even thinking about your phone. That's what you need to do with the distractions in your life. Put them aside, and then give yourself space to focus.


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I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous post:
Message to most people: Throw your phone away! Part 1

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #5: Comment your links! New partnership announcement!! Our contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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