"Ripe" Women And Hydrangeas in Autumn


You, yes, you who's reading this now, are you a woman? May I then ask how old you are? Lie to me ...


"Ripe" ...

.. we're not fruits but since I'm nearing turning 40, my friends have started calling me that. Not that I care nor does it sink in but ... I just find it funny to be called that.

I would just ping pong their tease asking back saying; "What are we, mangoes?" If mangoes grow in your countries then you know that the part you get to eat later actually starts white, then light yellow and when it's ripe it turns into yellow orange and that's the best time to slurp in one. Over ripe tends to taste fermented and brown would be good for making cakes or smoothies. I'd add; "You mean .. am really yellow orange now?" and give them a raised brow. One of them would ping pong back; "At least you're not browning yet... we are ." followed by a pout and a very long face.


I may be turning 40 soon but just like what the many says I also believe age is just a number. All the women in the house agree?

I am starting to see crows feet around my eyes but that's part of life, I guess. I wouldn't have it the other way around like Benjamin did. However, I can't help but get curious about how true these whines my friends often chime about. Are you one of us "ripe women"? Do you mind if I ask you instead .. my Mama went into slumber too early 20 years ago this very month so though she I have no one to confirm that for me.


A: " My elbows are starting to sag, they're selling my age out. "

B: "Nah ... nothing compared to the stretchmarks in my belly."


A: " Am not getting chubbier nor that my cheeks are swelling, they're sagging with smile wrinkles for a bonus. (smile wrinkles? is this such a thing?)"

B:" Have you seen those around my lips? I'm starting to look so serious with these smoking wrinkles! "( that, too.. what's a "smoking wrinkles?)

C: " It's nothing compared to the ones on my hands and necks!"

Some days, I feel like it's a "mine's worse" competition ...


A: "My hormones are raging and these, these are "itch pimples" not acnes so give me chocs." (Do chocs pacify raging hormones.. makes me always wonder when they say that .. perhaps they actually meant .. chocs work like cheap theraphy ).

B: " You should be glad you still have them. I could use some appetite for a push to you know what but what I got is "meno- push" instead."

.... (Do you really loose your appetite to have coitus when you're already in that period?)


A : "At least you guys could still hold your pees very well, I'm thinking of wearing old peeps' nappies when I'm travelling these days."

( ... says the ripest among us .. in fact, she already went passed overriped imho)


Yada.. yada.. yada .. till we part ... we laugh a lot during those days, though .. belly laughters! Lots of them!

Imho, "ripe women" are somehow like hydrangeas in autumn. I'm aware that I should let them go but I usually do that in early Spring. I love it when only these lines are left. Maybe... just maybe, the phase that we all go through can be compared to them and mangoes indeed. I'm the youngest among that particular group of my "hang out" friends and somehow I when I saw this .. I felt like it .. a late bloomer.


Except for I'm already getting a picture of what's ahead of me and no I am not afraid nor worried nor planning to have botox or whatever necessary fixes for later. I've already accepted that part besides, I'm still being mistaken as someone in the late 20s. A friend of mine thought I'm 29 which is both a compliment and one that leaves you asking .. do I look like that young or I leave that impression .. hopefully it's the first.


Someday, I'll be browning, too and I intend to do it naturally and somehow am already curious about what my future "brown mango" / "hydrangea in autumn" version would look like. One thing's for sure, I'm not going to fight it nor mind at all, I used to watch my grandma sleep and carefully run my hands on her wrinkled face and my grandma aged beautifully, actually.


...right now, I'd like to think that if I were a hydrangea I'm that in full bloom .


You, are you one of us, soon to be "hydrangeas in autumn"?
Which of those things I mentioned above are actually true?
What other body changes are you experiencing now that you're ripe or .. browning?
Shout out to all the ripe women in the house!

Edit : You a guy? Do you also come to a point where like us women - you get teased that you're "ripe"? Do you talk about it in your circle of friends, too? What do you guys normally say or whine about then?

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung A3 2016.

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