Altered Consciousness PRECEDES Altered Culture

Orientation Is Everything.

It effects the ENTIRETY of our trip, game, journey, or however we view and name this experience of life.

Orientation establishes what we see (the landscape), and how we see it (our direction, and perception of the landscape).

Many Traditional Orientations Instill Mindsets Of Dependency, Obedience And Approval-Seeking

Extended use of activated cannabis is known by users to help:

(1) see through false constructs; and

(2) very often move toward, or create, ones that ARE true.

The results depend more on the driver, and less on the car.

Many underestimate and underuse the cognitive benefits of cannabis. I write to counter that.

Brought to you by SativaYoga -- restorative media, for ungovernable minds. If you like these words, share ‘em. Support ‘em.

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