Let's Be More Like Plants, My Friends.


I believe we are intended to:

  1. RAISE OUR HANDS UP (like plants);

  2. RECEIVE AS MUCH LIGHT AS OUR SYSTEM CAN HOLD (like plants); and then

  3. CONVERT + GIVE BACK BENEFICIAL ENERGY (again, like plants).

I wanna be more like plants!!

AND I will (obviously) continue to eat them.

But not *just* physically.

I will also metabolize their behavior + wisdom.

Plants offer more than bio-nutrients (essential as those are!)

They ALSO offer navigation, transformation + RESTORATION.

GREEN restores our PRE-programmed setting... to "growing, living + vigorous."

Whenever we see green -- especially living green -- we should know that we have just been loved, companioned, strengthened + assisted, by LIFE itself.

Look up images for "chlorophyll and "hemoglobin."


There is magnetism between humans and plants. Our plasma is the same as theirs, with only one atomic difference!

We prosper in wisdom + well-being, when we allow our domesticated, industrialized selves/minds to get a good green-washing.


For more thoughts from a green-washed mind, follow me.

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