Stateless | Documentary Trailer (And My Personal Thoughts)

Filming for this trailer will soon continue here in Acapulco, and if you want to follow its developments, then you can sign up for news from the filmmakers.

The sold-out anarchist conference, Anarchapulco, is what drew me to Acapulco two years ago. OBVIOUSLY, a profound impact was made on me. Of the life-changing sort. Where my:

  • philosophies
  • food choices
  • views about intimacy
  • conversion of currency
  • attempts to learn a new language
  • reinvention of my freelance writing career
  • self-teaching crypto investing
  • existential questions about my identity and
  • dilemmas about where the hell and to whom I belong, and And AND...

They have all converged into a carbon-based explosion that is my real, actual, transforming LIFE.

Less talk. More walk.

Fewer memes (as much as I love 'em).
Far more deeds.

Good people, sleep people, woke people, broke people,
BROWN people (!!!), old people, all people... your life is YOURS.

And I highly doubt it feels like that, on a day-to-day basis.

Mine sure didn't.

I had/have to UNPLUG from...

surroundings, scenarios, situations, circumstances, relations, beliefs, messages, trends, customs, habits, legacies, indoctrinations, limits, taboos, shackles, fears, doubts, dogmas, lies, deceit and illusion.

I had/have to cleanse and deprogram my mind, daily.

It is nothing less than A Way of Life to always re-commit
to living out what you know to be true, as best and as kindly as you can.

šŸ’œ That is the only Point I have found worthy of my intense devotional energy. šŸ’œ

Whether or not you resonate with the vibe of the trailer (might be too spicy for some), please do consider to what extent you feel in possession of your own life.

And if you do not feel in possession of your life,
how can anything else be acceptable?

How can any other objective or activity be of greater importance
than the reclamation of your own life??


Stand. Insist. Persist. Resist. Demand.

To me, this is the inquisitive gift that anarchy -- that rulerlessness -- asks:

Who or what rules you?

šŸ”„ The inner realization of anarchy makes known that YOUR CORE-ESSENCE IS INDOMITABLE. šŸ”„

And there's just no going back from that.

So yeah, Stateless...

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