Career and Crypto, A Game of Chess

The premise of the hit Showtime show Billions is a war between the Chuck Rhodes (a US Attorney) and Bobby Axelrod (a Hedge Fund Boss) where the two Generals do battle with the whole world as the cannon fodder.

The rule of Law versus survival of the fittest, good versus evil, right and wrong. This show has it all and is very thrilling. I am a huge fan and the game of chess between Chuck and Bobby has even got me playing chess on my phone. It has also helped me realise how your career and success of a crypto project can benefit from learning a bit about the game of chess.

Easy to Learn Hard to Master

Chess, like life, is a very easy game to learn, there are a limited number of moves and rules but you quickly learn the game is all about Strategy. You have to respect your pieces, take care of them and plan for the future.
I recently downloaded an app for my phone and I quickly got the basics and could win on easy levels but as I stepped up the levels the computer gets harder to beat. I need a longer term strategy, or series of strategies.


The show and my battle with my phone have gotten me thinking about career. With a limited number of moves (school, college, etc..) why is it that some people are so much more successful than others? and how can I use this understanding to get ahead in my own career?

Crypto and Blockchain Tech

Crypto projects have also have a limited number of moves (design, use case, funding, etc ...) yet some projects are so much more successful than others. Why is this and how can I use this to help me pick good Crypto investments?


The most successful people I know are great are great communicators. When they talk, people listen.
They are usually great at getting their point across in a way people can understand and relate to.
It doesn't matter if you have the best idea in the world, if it stays just in your head it will never become a reality!

Apple had Jobs, Microsoft had Bill Gates, Tesla has Elon Musk.
People go about communicating in different ways; some read their audience and respond to their body language, others have a presence that holds peoples attention, others are so clear and precise, others are animated and hold peoples attention.

Many Crypto projects suffer from a lack of communication. There might be a great product being developed, and sure organic growth can happen when people learn what it can do but it's likely that it will never get seen by the world unless there is champion for the cause. Someone who can relate to the technical people and the mainstream.


I am going to play more chess and I am even going to write here about some basic moves and strategies as I learn. I never know about the gambit till last weekend.

What do you think separates the successful people/companies/projects from less successful people with great skills or projects with a great product that fails to make it?

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

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