Little life update from the road


Hi there Steemit! I'm making a little update while sitting in the car going back home and mom is driving. I've spend the weekend touristing in my home country. We drove to the western coast of Finland to visit relatives and spent time in the beautiful autumn nature.

We started Saturday early with walking around Kristinestad and the local market, and then went to a popular outdoor area by the sea. These two pictures are some selfies I sneaked in when I "lost" my companions for almost an hour.

We still have a couple hours to go until I'm back home with some peace and quiet so I can start going through all the pictures from the weekend. I have a lot of beautiful pictures to show you in the coming days.

Have a wonderful Sunday, see ya later!


PS. Posting this from my iPhone so I'm not sure what the pics look like, hope they're alright.

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