Good content does not have to be brand new. Content created in the past has potential monetary value on Steemit.

I was struck by this thought when I was going through old photos that my mom took when I was a baby.

In my stories, I now use these photo’s which in essence means that the monetary value (besides emotional value) is now somehow coming out of her content.

(I just decided while writing this I should pay her royalties, she reads these posts too, and it's totally deserved)

This is content created even before the internet existed.

I think that thought is marvelous.


How many gems are hidden away in drawers, attics, and hard drives with value for someone else here on Steemit.

Of course, it’s not just content created by other people in the past that have value.

Even content already created by you in the past can have value now. You just never had a platform to monetize your creations before.

Photos, music, painting, poems, books, drawings, stories, basically anything is possible to post here. And probably a hundred other things I have not thought of.

The value is already in the content waiting to come out.

For new users

So, If you are a new user you might wonder what you should post. Maybe you are afraid that if you don’t succeed with your first post your journey will end swiftly.

But it's ok here to search for your blog direction. It took me 5 months to find it. I tried many different things.

I realized that for me there is only one way to make my blog work. I post what I enjoy creating. Drawing inspiration from the past, the present, and the future.

Right now, I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee enjoying my morning writing this and I have to go to work in 30 minutes. But I'm having fun now. (I won't be in 30 minutes, lol)

So even if you make 1 cent on your first post. It's more than you will ever make anywhere else on Social media. And then just take it from there.

Welcome to the STEEM blockchain, where there is no third party. Just you and other users.

It truly is a place full of freedom.

signature Follow Me @exyle

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