Happiness is all about perspective.

My favorite store is HANOS.

My least favorite store is IKEA.

They are located next to each other.

Happy in HANOS

In one store, I want to spend hours the other I don’t want to spend a minute.

It’s like a really small version of heaven and hell.

Yet there are millions upon millions of people that love going to my hell every year. For them it's heaven.

Which makes me believe that happiness is all about perspective. Pretty simple right?

And even though I don’t understand why anyone would willingly go to my hell. I do respect it. I’m totally fine with it.

But please don't ask me to come with you. Find someone that also enjoys it too. This makes so much sense to me.

And if you do ask me. I will say no. Because I don't want to be unhappy.

Of course, these stores are just examples. But saying No to avoid unhappiness is something I recommend you learn.

And that's how I view these things.

I enjoy doing different things with different people that enjoy different experiences.

Nothing kills a good mood more than being around another human that is not enjoying himself or being in a place you don't want to be. It drains my energy.

But being around people that are having a great time or being in a place that I love increases my energy.

Like last night in the bar with Bianca surrounded by friends.


In those moments time doesn't matter, just laughing and having a good time. Feeling happy.

These are the moments I chase as much as I can.

I used to believe that chasing my own happiness was rather selfish. But it's not.

It's liberating.

signature Follow Me @exyle

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