I just powered up 10000+ Steem and it’s all because of the experiment.

Call me crazy if you want but I just powered up 10000+ STEEM. I thought about it for a while but with Steempower being so much more valuable right now it's absolutely worth it.

Today I just continued celebrating yesterday's good news. I am in such a good mood.

Steemit will pull through in 2017.

The experiment that is running at the moment is giving so much power back to the normal users and I believe if it runs long enough it will attract many new users.

Everybody knows I am excited about this experiment and I hope it will run for a long time. And it's getting better every day.

I have been manually curating and upvoting comments a lot more than in the past. My voting power has increased 8 times since the experiment began! From a 1-cent vote to an 8-cent vote. It’s incredible. 8x TIMES!

My curation rewards haven’t gone up much because of all the votes I give away but I don’t care. It’s way more fun to give away these votes than earning curation rewards anyway.

I think we are looking at very good times ahead for Steemit with the main reason being that so much more people will receive rewards for their content creations and comments and also earning more influence in the platform doing so.

It will become a huge success.

signature Follow Me @exyle

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