Trying out more creative outlets

So, for about 3 months now I have been thinking about a vlog post now and then as a new way to be more creative. And I’m scared shitless. Because I never done anything like that before.

But I made one.

I have been practicing driving around between clients and I understand now why so many bloggers drive while making a video. It somehow focuses the mind.


Today, I put my camera on top of a wine box in my office.

I felt like I was back in school. If there was one thing I hated more than anything in the world it was giving a presentation.

That nervous feeling that one by one your classmates would get up and give their presentation and I knew I still had to give mine.

It would make me sick to my stomach.

I had the same nervous feeling before pressing that record button today. And it didn’t make any sense because there was nobody in the room except for me.

Such professional setup, for the recording I used my Iphone (not the cam as pictured) but I couldn't take a picture of the setup without it.

I want to evolve

Being in a comfort zone is great and I do a lot of fun stuff. Today, for instance, I went to lunch with my friend Serge because he earned his first Steem pay-out. (and to talk about business too).


He’s starting to become a real Steemian. I could have made a post about that but I just didn’t feel like it.

I feel like I need to try new things constantly.

So, here it is. My first vlog. I totally forgot to introduce myself and Bianca said I should have smiled more. But if I don’t jump in I’ll never move forward. Any feedback is appreciated.

signature Follow Me @exyle

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