Visiting my dad - day 1

Yesterday, I arrived at my dad after a two hour drive. I should have waited till the end of the day to leave, just in case a client would call. But the weather was so nice that I took a chance.

The moment I left Rotterdam I felt free.

I should do this more often.

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Send this to Bianca, she always wants to know what I'm up to. I'm happy, my dad, Trevor, beer, grill.

Road trip is nice

I always take the scenic road for the first part of the journey when I go up North. It takes 10 minutes longer but is 10x more beautiful than the freeway. I lowered down my window and put in a cd from Simon and Garfunkel.

Blasting Ms Robinson. Singing along. Having a good time.

Scenic road basically looks like this.

Phone Rings

40 minutes into my roadtrip my phone rings. It's a client. I pick up. If I could be so kind to open a port on a firewall. I told them I can't do it right now and I won't do it till Monday.

I can of course do it from my dad's place but I don't want to take the risk incase something goes wrong. They accept. Thank god!

Pit stop

I'm starving after 70 minutes driving. Forgot to have lunch. I stop at this place. It's called Haje. Have a tuna sandwich and a cheese bread.

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It's delicious. I also call my dad I'm getting there earlier


My dad and I have a coffee and we talk. But we have to go soon. I want to get to the Butcher to get some Steak. Near my dad's place they have one the best Butchers I know.

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Up north life is a bit slower. More countryside style. They find it a little strange when I ask to take pictures of the store. My dad says to the butcher I'm a writer. I say no. I make blogs. The butcher doesn't know what a Blog is. I say, that's ok. He lets me take some pictures.

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Talking, Grilling and Chilling

We arrive back and my dad and I talk for hours. Of course I talk Blockchain and Crypto. My dad understand he's a programmer. He also used to sell Macintosh computer before they became mainstream. He knows what's it like to be part of something early. It's a great feel.

My dad also used to write for an American magazine called 'Call Apple'.

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Wonderfull evening

We have a great evening with nice beers and great food. But my dad is getting a little bit older and ever since the cancer ordeal is more tired than he used to be. The evening has taken it's toll. It's 9pm.

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After my dad wakes up from his chair. We have a small drink and he's off to bed. I grab my laptop and start browsing Steemit and finally have time to answer the nice comments I received.

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When I look next to me I see this. Guess my dad is not the only one getting older.

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Have a wonderful day!

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