Vlog #29: The news won't teach you anything about blockchain technology. This is something you have to do yourself.

With cryptocurrencies getting more popular again/ all time high (since last time. 2013). The Dutch news feels the need to say something about.

Of course, they don't understand it. So they do the one thing that they know. They write scary stories.

The top one I read today was sent to me by my own mom on Whatsapp.

The NOS (National News) wrote an article about Bitcoin.

According to them, Bitcoin is bad and dangerous because you can lose it if you make a mistake.

One guy had reset his phone without backing up his keys. He lost his 3 bitcoin and will never touch it again he said.

It made me laugh a little.

It's like taking your own wallet with dollar bills in it, to the bin. Empty it (Reset it). And then complain that your money is gone and that you will never use dollars again.

It makes no sense to me.

They never talk about blockchain technology that drives all the cryptocurrencies and how it will change the world and set people free.

I think that's sad.

The only way you can find out about this stuff if you have an open mind and are willing to educate yourself.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

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