Throwing anger out of my mind…

HI everybody.

Today I’m facing a hard part of my job life and maybe this text will be one of the shortest I’ve ever written…

I’m trying to get calmed but it’s annoying to know that you can’t scream and release all the anger repressed inside because of others’ fault.

Here in my job I have some tasks that I can accomplish, but there are other tasks that easily turn into issues that get out of my control. Unfortunately, these last ones are affecting me in such way that I’d like to leave everything here and get out running as fast as I can and not coming back. I feel I’m not receiving the help I require from some areas I work along with and due to this I’m not complying with one of our service promises: fast response timing.

I feel like if I were offering an ICO that will steal people at the end, promising what I can’t do and carrying a bad reputation because of others’ mistakes.

I didn’t find any English-language meme where Kermit the Frog says “Sometimes I want to quit my job, but I remind of all debts I have and it passes me”.

Mannnn… It’s awful to not having a quick solution to this piece of shit…

“If you don’t really want to be there, just quit” – It sounds so easy… But in Colombia getting a good job is an utopia. There are such bad paid job opportunities that you want to put acid in your eyes and not watching them again.

You’re required to be the Master of Puppets and having 20+ years of experience having you 30 years old in order to have the opportunity to be interviewed for a mediocre job where you’d probably have a low salary and a lot of work to be done without any kind of help and guidelines…

I have in my mind the idea of leaving this sinking ship, but I realize that I have to keep on playing this game called employment ‘cause my wife and upcoming son depends totally on me and, by now, have no good choices.

Ok… negativism outta here…

That’s what writing and a coke tea can do for one….

I needed to get my head cold, needed to put in these words what I really feel – and maybe there’s more but it’s gone from my keyboard…

It doesn’t matter if anyone reads it, I just wanted to put these words away from me, where they stop hurting me…

Thank you for reading (or watching, at least)…

P.D.: I just remembered a song that perfectly fits with this feeling…. Here you go!


Thank you - Hannibal.gif

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