Open Letter to @GrumpyCat

Open letter to @grumpycat

Dear @grumpycat

I have noticed your fight in Steemit one week ago.
What you were proposing was :

  • There are people who are milking the system by sending their payment close (3,5 days+) posts to upvote bots and get immidiate cash return
  • There are bots that are allowing these old posts to be upvoted.
    And you started a fight against these bots by flaging the posts that they have upvoted.

Perfect, that is also what I would do if I had your weapons.

  • Getting immidiate cash by upvote is abusing the system by taking the money out immidiately which normally should stay inside for a couple of days and be shared.
  • The usage aim of these bots should be a promotion system to get your content out of crowd and make people see it.Not earning easy cash by following ROI.

Then I saw people hurt because you have flagged their posts that are just fresh, even less than one day old.
I was still thinking that your intentions are good.

The road so far

So I started developing a tool that you can use to show you the correct target.
This tool is a webpage that analyses the bot voting time and the post time of authors posts.
With this, you would be able to see which post is older than 3,5 days and you would flag just the right person.
The milker...

I started to comment on the victims posts as below example:

Lucky I was, I got your attention.
I was more than happy when you upvoted my post about this webpage.

That was almost the same amount I received from @utopian-io bot.

Additionally you requested me to add another property:

This is two times happiness, using this tool innocent people were saved.
Then, at your post I read these words :

Yesss...@grumpycat will start caring about the innocent people and will give us a supportable fight.

I replied you back :

These are important words :

The main difference between a hero and bully is code of ethics. Be a hero and let us follow you, be a bully and you will find resistance!

I started working and in 3 hours I finished the update on the webpage, now it gives you the links. You are able to reach directly the "milkers" posts with a click.

I was hopeful...


I started to check your activity. You can feel the dissapointment I had, when I saw the results.
My bot analyser can be used to analyse bots but it can also analyse you.

You have downwoted 15 posts that is upvoted by @boomerang bot.

7 of them is absolutely correct according to 3,5 days rule.
8 of them are fresh posts, even there are posts that were couple of hours old.

Innocent people...colletaral damages of your fight...real people that only wanted to get their voice heard.

The result of analysis of @boomerang bot is :

There were more than 30 targets that are not following 3,5 days rule but you have chosen the innocents.

@grumpycat, you are in a position of being a bully with all these 500k+ SP.
You can change the bot system, you can stop people "milking" the system but if you do not stop hurting innocent people you will find a resistance and I will be the first one that will resist.
I supplied you the proper tool for this.

  • I may be small in SP but I have courage.
  • I am here as I am, no other account, no other voice,no supporting whales...just @firedream
  • You have the power to stop my voice but you can not stop a resistance.
  • I have never been a victim of you but I have lived enough to distinguish the unfair from fair and I learned to resist.

Once again,

  • Use your power with justice and let us support you in your fight against MILKERS
  • Keep on hurting innocent people and let us all think that you are not trying to change the system but trying to supress other bots in favour of your supported bots-just "conflict of interest" war.

The first one makes you a hero, the second one just a low life mob leader!

Show us the real @grumpycat.


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