Let's Talk—This Is Why You Must Never Let The Fire In You Burn Out!

Don't ever let the fire inside you burn out! A friend said this to me after listening to the story of my comeback in the aftermath of my accident. Somehow in the past few months I was able to turn things around inspite of an on-going minor disability.


Given my circumstances I was able to push through and continue working on the path to a better future for myself. It's incredible how you can achieve what you want through sheer determination, focus and consistency in your approach. My journey on and off Steemit is inspiring said another friend. It's no big deal and anyone can do it I replied.

Sometimes listening to somebody's life experiences and learning from these experiences can leave you feeling inspired, motivated and ready to take on the world. That's all you need sometimes to push you to work towards your goals as life often gets you side tracked.

During these months of recovery I remembered the first time I read an autobiography. It was, "Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam." He was the former President of India.

He started out as a young lad who made ends meet selling newspapers during his school days to support his family. He rose from his personal and professional struggles to become modern India's most well known scientist and cherished leader. During his career at ISRO and DRDO he lead the Indian space research, nuclear and missile programs. His work in the defence sector became household names in India.

He overcame several hardships including social inequality growing up but that was never a deterrent to this success. He faced them head-on as he undertook his journey to put India on the map. Today ISRO is one of the most respected organisations in it's domain.

It was early 2001 and I was closing in on 13 years of age. I had bought this book at a local book fair and read it twice in the same year. I thought it was incredible that someone who started from absolutely nothing could rise up the ranks in life.

The words in this book resonated with my thoughts as it taught me that with perseverance you can overcome adversity, with patience you can shed your weaknesses, and with self-confidence and faith in your abilities you can take on this world.

At the time, I was young and unaware of the fact that the world is full of such incredible stories, and that someday I might inspire a handful of friends and acquaintances with a few words of encouragement and experiences of my own. Channel some of my positive energy back into the world that has given me great many experiences and opportunities to succeed.

There are several men and women who have braved the worst this world has to offer and yet made an impact so positive through their hard work and actions that they will be remembered forever for their contributions.

"I was so focused and so driven, there was this fire inside of me that was burning so brightly." ―Kyle Shewfelt

Today as I sit and type this from a hotel room couple of thousand miles from home, I find myself looking back at these past few months where I:

  1. Came back from a deadly accident.
  2. Worked harder than ever before on Steemit.
  3. Donated a large portion of my income to charitable causes in my country.
  4. Subsidise someone's travel cost to SteemFest 2017 when just a year is ago I had applied for reimbursement to travel to SF2016.
  5. Meet some incredible people and make new connections.
  6. Achieve certain financial goals.
  7. Work on improving my physical and mental health.

I write this to remind myself that I can overcome the struggles of life and to tell you that you can never stop if you hit a roadblock in yours. Seek help if you hit a low point and help others come up when you elevate yourself from the depths!

These lines are in my head, 8 years after I first read them in Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged" back in 2009. It still feels so timeless and apt for this post, decades after it was originally published.

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.”― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Life should be anything but an opportunity wasted. If you have any dreams or desires, then you must do everything in your power to achieve them. There's fire inside everyone of us, use it to change the world around you and never let it fizzle out!

@steemfest is less than a month away and you can visit the official ticket website for ticket purchases.

If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. Successful #2 India Steemit Accelerator and Steem Cryptocurrency Meetup 2017 at Robert Bosch India HQ!
  2. My 1st Steemit Anniversary — Looking Back at an Amazing Year Of My Life!
  3. This Is How You Speed Up Your Steemit Account Recovery!

Follow Me: @firepower

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