It was circa 1992 when computers were practically unheard of in India. I was only 4 years old at the time and my working parents would leave me at a day care centre 100mts from my school. It was a wonderful time, when we played a lot. I made some great friends, some of them have remained my friends even today.

Every day after school, some of the older kids from my school would hold my hand and guide me down the road to this old house with a high, tiled roof and large rooms! The house was many decades old, and had a big open backyard with plenty of room for a dozen kids to run around!
I spent 2 years here before the landlord had the lady relocate the centre to a different location altogether.
The day care owner's mother also lived with her at the time. She was a physiognomist and a palmist.
Physiognomist are people who can often judge a person's character or try to predict their future by reading faces. This old lady had a rather positive outlook in general and managed to say good things about people.
One day, when my mother was over to pick me up, the old woman asked my mother about her aspirations and dreams for my future. During the conversation my mother asked the old lady for her opinion on what she thought about my future.
She replied and had positive things to say about me in general. But when it came to my future she predicted that one day as I get closer to my 30th year I will sit in front a box and mint money in minutes at a snap of my finger. This boxy thing would resemble a vertical book. Something I will use to derive my knowledge from and use it to yield these results. A book of knowledge of sorts, so to speak!
Strange and incredulous as it sounds, at that time neither the lady or my mother knew what it was. It seemed like an old woman rambling away some mumbo-jumbo. No one knew anything about computers, much less about any possibility of earning money using it. So in retrospect, a vertical book of knowledge is simply a vague interpretation of the computer today. Well, atleast you could say that it was!
Fast forward a decade later, I'm building websites, creating graphics using Photoshop and learning to run a Apache server to test my websites locally on a slow computer using an even slower 56.6kbps dial-up internet connection to manage a couple of websites! Computers were starting to be everywhere and I was beginning to discover the possibilities of earning on the internet with it.
Nearly another decade later, I was freelancing for editorial content for one of the top 3 automotive portals in India whilst working full-time in digital advertising. It was then I felt I could start a small business around content development and was looking for a name for my sole-proprietorship firm.
When I asked my mother for a suggestion, she recollected this story and the name stuck as, 'Out Of The Box Solutions.' A couple of years later as I shut it down and restarted my operations to include editorial consulting as a partnership firm under the name of, 'Focus Innovate Solutions.' The name derived from my obsession with find solutions to problems in general, I forgot about this story altogether.
Few days ago I took my parents out to a celebratory dinner when I achieved a certain milestone on Steemit. As we returned from the dinner my mom recited this story in complete detail and said that the prediction has finally come true and how!
Today, I'm earning reasonably well sitting in front of an electronic box, day in and day out! I'm increasing my knowledge and adding to my skill sets and it's compensating me well for my efforts. An electronic box of knowledge that allows me to earn my bread, everyday!
I couldn't believe it myself when I first heard it but then it came to be true! But, today it's not just true for me. Because, if you think about it for a second you realize:
The incredible fact that now with Steemit each and everyone of us is making money out of a box!

So cheers to us!
As I recollect my Steemit journey, I remember how I started with just 10 SP worth $30 in late-July and I'm over 20K SP today, worth over 40K USD! All of this was earned using an old boxy thing that sits on my desk and allows me to punch in my thoughts, feelings and materialise my efforts into something tangible that has helped a few people here along the way!
What an incredible time to be alive! Is it not?
Do you believe in these types of situations and are there any predictions in your life that have come true?
Have you come across any such strange things in your life where somebody told you that you would do something incredible in your life and years later you ended up achieving it?