FlaminGirl Happiness Therapy /Part 3 : The power of the body - 1/3 Physical activity 🏋

Today I will share with you my 3rd secret to be happy!

You can read the others in my previous post:
FlaminGirl Therapy part 1
FlaminGirl Therapy part 2

Don't forget my friends: Every day is a chance to change your life!!!

The power of the body 1/3

Being good in your body is basic but not easy. Why ? Because the temptations to mistreat our body, are everywhere...


Your body is your best friend for life so let's take care!

All sports are beneficial to your body: jogging, swimming, bodybuilding, team sports, aerobic... It's up to you to decide according to your preferences. The important thing is to devote at least 30 minutes each day, and this activity is adapted to your age and physical ability of course.


The most difficult thing is to start. Then don't give up because regularity is essential...
No pain, no gain!
I go to the gym every week and I dance everyday, that's my passion ♡!


Regular physical activity: 8 benefits for your body and your mind.

1. Longer life


It helps lower injury bone, back pain or knees, joint pain, and other chronic diseases, thereby improving longevity.
It's estimated that 2 to 3 hours sports per week for subjects older, allows you to extend the life expectancy of 5 years!

Research by the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the US National Cancer Institute found that the more physical activity you engage in, the longer you’re likely to live. The study, of more than 650,000 people over 10 years, found that around 150 minutes of brisk walking per week can equate to an extra 3.4 years of life expectancy

2. Prevent illness


Exercise decreases a lot all factors cardiovascular risk.

▪ can reduce up to 50% hypertension.
▪ increases the rate of "good" cholesterol.
▪ involved in vasodilation vessels, to improve blood circulation.
▪ regulates blood sugar level and reduces the risk of diabetes.
▪ helps, over time, to make the heart more résistant and unless is tired during the effort.

3. Exercise controls weight


Physical activity is ideal for lose weight and fight obesity. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn.
For good results, a good diet is necessary. Sorry my friends, but without a healthy diet, needless to hope to have a dream body 😂.

4. An anti-cancer effect


Many scientific studies revealed the preventive action of sports activity against certain types of cancer. In particular, there is an 18% decrease in the risk of colon cancer or 21% of the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

5. Increases well-being

This feeling of well-being, almost euphoric, finds its origin in * endorphins *. These hormones are sent by the brain after an intense effort.
You will see that it becomes a drug ^^. A best drug ever !!! 😊 Stress and anxiety decrease also.

During your sport session, you forgets your daily problems. It helps to consider these problems with much more serenity.

6. Sleep easier

The endorphins and the sensation of well-being they transmit, help the body to dive in a sleep deeper. Bye bye insomnia!

7. Cerebral activity booster


The intensive practice of a sport (especially cardio), improves the blood circulation in the body. Carbon dioxide is transported faster, leading to better oxygenation of the brain. The cerebral activity is then more stimulated and improves our capacities of reflection or memory.

8. Improve your sex life


According to a study from the University of Arkansas, physical activity boosts blood flow to the genital region, making it easier for women to hit ‘the big O’. And it’s not just the ladies who feel the benefits. The same study shows that men have a good reason to get fit too – burning at least 200 calories a day can significantly lower their risk of erectile dysfunction. Sounds like a good reason to get into men’s fitness!

Let's go my friends! Consistency and good diet is key!



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