Meeting Steemit 3 in Barcelona! 5 reasons to come! #1

Dear Steemians,

Following the success of my first two meetings, I want to organize a 3rd MEETING STEEMIT in Barcelona !!!!

I'm thinking about a new place and maybe a new concept ;).

5 reasons to come to my next Meeting!

1- To grow the Steemit platform

I see this platform as a community, a team, a family. In which, we help each other and we work for the same purpose! To be financially independent! For this, everyone tries to propose new and original ideas. But as you know, "only we go faster but together we go further"!

2- To share your ideas

We all need to be inspired, helped or motivated by something or someone. The advantage of coming to this kind of meeting is that we are all concerned with the same thing. And we often have the same questions, questions and doubts. I suggest you come share your ideas or simply ask your questions;).

3- To transform the virtual into real

Writing blogs alone in front of your computer or your phone is good. But what's more fun than meeting people in real life?
Do not be afraid to leave your screen and come!
So come meet us and we promise you to spend a very good evening! The atmosphere is really friendly and relaxed;).

4- To meet exceptional people

During my two meetings, I had the chance to meet really different people but all unique and exceptional! I appreciated the atmosphere and the quality of the exchanges. I believe in everyone's portability and I like to put people in touch. Come as you are, we will welcome you with pleasure!

5- To discover a new place

I take time to select different locations for each meeting. I try to choose places that promote communication. Thus, it allows people to spend a good time and tests new places at the same time!
Barcelona is a city full of surprises ;)

I am very proud to be part of this STEEMIT family and I will keep my 2018 engagements !!!
If like me, you believe in Steemit and its potential, I look forward to seeing you at the next FlaminGirl Meeting in Barcelona!

I can not wait to see @estefantt, @lazyfrog08, @k-a-s-i-a, @roxane,
@oroger, @logic, @bcneo, @resiliencia, @guatechula, @serapeion, @posidoniamusic, @andertrade, @jduarte, @marula
and meet other great people!

Feel free to vote and share this post to grow the team my dear readers!
Thank you for your support and see you soon!

FlaminGirl With Love...

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