5 life facts that look funny but true

Life is full of troubles, challenges and obstacles that seem to weigh us down. Most times, we fail to realize some things that are true about life. Some of them actually sound funny, but you will agree they are absolute truths. Take a look:

1. Money cant buy you happiness but comforts.

This is the first and foremost illusion. Most people believe that you can actually buy happiness. They think the more money you make, the more happy you are. Unfortunately, more can only guarantee the best things of life - cars, houses, property, etc. However, no matter how rich or wealthy you are, true happiness may elude you. And most wealthy people have confirmed that instead of happiness, their wealth only brought comforts and heartache.

2. We have the problem to all solutions when they are not ours

This is true and real. If you watch a game, how many times have you shouted at players, telling them how to play to win? If your friend is childless after several years of marriage, you can come up with the best advise on dealing with that situation. If you see someone who smoked, you have an idea on how to quit smoking. We seem to have all the solution to the world problems. But what happens when we face the same problem? We forget all the solutions!!

3. Help someone in trouble and they will remember you when they are in trouble again.

It happens. People tend to remember those who assisted them to solve a problem. Did you pay school fees for your friends son? They will remember you next time. Give a stranded traveler a lift today, the will remember you the next time he is stranded. Anytime you help someone, they write you somewhere in their memory and may forget you in the meantime. But whenever that or similar problem arises, they will recall you. Help gain if you can.

4. If everybody likes you, something is terribly wrong with you.

Sure. I have not seen anyone without enemies. Even if you are the best in whatever you do, someone will always say you are evil. The best person to you is the worst person to someone else. The person you love is hated by someone. This is a true fact of life. I am yet to find someone who is loved by all - not even God! So do not take it personal if people do not appreciate you. Its OK!!

5. Stop holding grudges, you loose.

When you hold grudges, you loose big time. Your health suffers. You happiness is lost and your day can turn bad once you see the person you hate. He is having a good time. Enjoying his day and not thinking about anything. So leave grudges and face the facts. When you relieve yourself of grudges and ill feeling towards others, you significantly increase your chances of improving your happiness, health and life.

See there we have it. Tell us other life facts you have discovered

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