Hey guys, so today we'll take a look at the zodiac sign CANCER. I'm a cancer so just about everything i'll be saying will be based on experience. So if you know you're a Cancer then please read this article, and let me know if it fits your description as much as it fits mine.


Cancer is probably the most emotional sign in the zodiac, even more so than Pisces. This is so because cancer is a water sign which is governed by the moon. Thus the deep emotional currents that cancers posess are constantly pushed and pulled by the moon. This often leaves cancers feeling over emotional and misunderstood by the world because frankly speaking, the world isn't ready or evolved enough to handle the depths of emotions that cancers posess. Despite all this, cancers make for wonderful and life long friends because they don't joke with friendships. Cancers are commonly referred to as the mother of the zodiac because of their natural protective instincts, they will do just about anything to keep their friends safe.

Cancers are extremely intuitive and empathic people, able to tell how people feel just by being around them. They tend to have a very small group of friends as opposed to lots of acquaintances. Sadly, cancers are very emotionally dependent people, and if they don't get the support they need or become emotionally independent, then they will probably have it rough in life.

Cancers make excellent business men and women provided they can overcome their emotional dependency. The evolved cancer as I like to call them, take full advantage of their innate empathic and intuitive abilities to make proper business choices.
Cancers will equally do well in any line of work where they get to help other people or express themselves emotionally. They make good writers and social workers. Cancer is a powerful sign with people who can achieve anything as long as they overcome their emotional issues and put their mind to it.

Cancers are very soft and emotionally fragile people who will show their emotional side to the world without even remotely considering that they could get hurt. They feel a great deal and desire partners who can understand this about them. Cancers treat their partners with tender love and care and will almost always strive to achieve long term relationships. Short term relationships are just not their thing as they easily get attached to their lovers. Cancers are not the exciting type, they are the settle down and build a family type and that's why they are always looking for long term relationships.

THE CANCER MANThe soft-hearted lover
The cancer man is an overly shy and sensitive man with a big heart. He's conservative in nature and will probably never make the first move when courting a woman. This is because of his underlying fear of being rejected. Any woman that wants to date him will probably have to make the first move, because by the time he's ready to do it, ages might have past. The cancer man is for the woman who loves being taken care of and is ready to settle down, He will not engage in any relationship that doesn't have a definite future so any woman that is looking for a one night stand or a short term fling should look elsewhere.

The cancer woman is a complicated one. She is conservative, down to earth, emotional and not likely to fall in love easily. She is caring and motherly by nature and will probably never ever ever ever ever cheat on her lover. Like the case of the cancer man, to get her you'll have to approach her first cause she'll never make the first move even if she's madly in love with you. She is for the man who can see into her silent emotions and is ready to commit. Any man who truly believes in love and is willing to understand her will find no better lover amongst all the females in the zodiac.

Cancers enjoy their overall best compatibility with the following signs

  1. Scorpio
  2. Taurus
  3. Pisces
  4. Capricorn
  5. Virgo

So that's it for today guys, hope you enjoyed the article. If you did, then -




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This is coming to you from @stach's very own @francistagbo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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