"Love in Life"


Love?What's that? Do I need it?

"Plant dies without water, relationship dies without love." Human heart is meant to be filled with love before replacement comes in which includes drugs, games, shopping, drama and so on.

The soft voice in my heart whispered to me. "What's the priority in your life? Do you think a man who is going to die will regret on not earning 1 million more? Or he will regret on not having enough time spent with his family? " This question strikes me until now. It leads me to deep reflection on the goals in my life. I wonder what should I do to build a more meaningful society with love and caring.

Most of the time, we like to express love by saying the three typical words - I love you but we do not really mean it. We say it too often until we forget the purpose of saying it. Love is not an intangible element, we can feel and see the love through actions. For instance, you hug someone when you need comfort; you listen to their problems when they need a good listener; you offer help to strangers to open the door while his hands are occupied and etc. These are all acts of love that we always ignore or take for granted. We thought love must be expressed in a big action which brings you up and down emotionally but it is not. We should learn to cherish and look things in a grateful way.

Imagine that no one is greeting you when you enter your workplace or school. How will you feel? It must be really awful feeling in a long term run. We might start to doubt our self worth after being ignored by the people around us for a quite of time. We crave for the attention, ended up, the craving leads to depression. We confuse on our values and purposes of living. That is why the cases of teenagers jumped off the building become more and more popular in this world of complexity and ignorance. The worst is the evil of humanity when onlookers urged the person to commit suicide. This haunted me. I started to be more aware of the surrounding people on how they feel and how they think. I believe there is a subtle signal that we always can spot but we prefer to ignore it all the times.

As you can see the trend of the world, most of the time people spend together, they laugh and have fun all the times. However, they find no listener when they need. They find it hard to express their deep thoughts to their closer one. They are afraid of being judged and real to their close friends. They prefer to look cool and act like everything is good and fine. But actually they are not. Obviously, they are building admirers instead of close friends in their life. They are building up a high wall among each other due to their lack of openness and ability of sharing their problems. This group of people is full of pride until they cried themselves to sleep. Undeniably, we are more comfortable to share personal problems with a person that you know more. We feel safer because we have margin on how this person thinks and we know he or she will not judge us after listening to the stories.

So what's wrong in our hearts? I still remember I used to complain and blame things on others when I was a teenager. However, I start to realize this is not the solution for a better life. We need to admit that whatever happened is in the past, we should accept the fact and move on. We will stay on the original point if we failed to let go and forgive. It will back to square one. Therefore, the only solution is to let go and embrace it. Then only our heart will be healed and rejoiced again.

*Invest in relationships because that is an immeasurable asset in our life, let it be friendship, romantic relationship, work relationship or family relationship. *

Thank you for your time. Enjoy reading!

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