Don't be a slave of your own. Learn how to gain control of your mind?

Mind is the most important part of our of any living body. Without brain, we are like zombies. This is what let us feel emotions like love, anger etc. It is said that the most important wealth is to gain control over your mind. 

                                                                                    Source PIXBAY




  1. OPEN MIND --> The first thing I want you to be open about everything and everyone. You will see that your brain will be processing and generating much faster results and responses than before.
  2. MEDITATION --> It helps us to do what we do with more concentration.
  3. SUB CONSCIOUSNESS --> You can create your mind sub consious about everything you are doing. This will then make you, to let control daily activities effectively and with more focus.
  4. AVOID ALCOHOL and DRUGS -->  Alcohol is used to slower down the brain activity causing us to have less control to ourselves. You can use a little alcohol but only when you are at home and not doing any work.
  5. STOP OVERTHING --> Do not overthink about something, otherwise you are going to lose you complete focus and feel fatigue.
  6.  PHYSICAL EXCERCISE --> A healthy body have a healthy brain. Make sure you work out your body at least half hour a day.
  7. POSITIVE  THOUGHTS --> You should focus more on the positive aspect of things. It will shape your mind to do right things.
  8. CONFIDENCE --> You have brain like others. What one differs from other is how they use it. You need to have some self confidence that what you do is right.
  9. SOCIAL  NETWORKING --> Do not use social networking sited frequently in a day. Give at leas 3-4 hrs of gap once used. Its very important to keep focus in one place

                                                                                             Source PIXBAY

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