Hey ! Game stack here!
First of all, I want to tell you I'm not a native english speaking, so the information you'll find here will be very easy to understand, due the fact I'm not using complicated words and stuff like that...
There is only one place you can call it HOME and that’s where you can sense a pleasant feeling of warmth and friendliness. However there are other places on our big green planet, which are not so welcoming and by trespassing such areas can be lethal for you.
But don’t worry is not as easy to step into those forbidden places as you probably thought. In case you’ll find yourself in this situation, be 100% sure that you’ll be warned and informed about the danger that awaits you after crossing the line.
Well, no one will help you if you’re too stubborn to understand the risks and that’s the case of a lot of people I’m going to tell you about in this video. But let’s not focus on people here, pay attention because I’m going to tell you about some of the most dangerous and mysterious forbidden places you can NEVER visit.
Area 51
Image: https://goo.gl/CzxpWj
Let’s start with one that you probably know already: The United States Air Force facility or commonly known as Area 51, which by the way, its purpose is publicly unknown and many theories were spread over the years about what is actually happening in this facility and many more are being developed.
It’s located in southern part of Nevada, 134 km, northwest of Las Vegas, pretty close to a big entertainment center, if you ask me. Maybe at some point you’ll drink a little bit more than you actually can and head to Area 51, without thinking at the risks, but when you realize the road to this forbidden place is just a dusty unmarked road and you’re in the middle of nowhere, you’ll probably start asking yourself some questions, no matter how much you have been drinking. Once you arrive at the front gate you’ll know for sure that the place is not for you. At that point you can see a lot of warning signs around you, cameras that see can every inch and even a white pickup truck with tinted windshield waiting for you to cross the marked line. It is said there are even embedded sensors in the road.
One of the most known theory about this place is about aliens, but in my opinion this idea was born from people’s wish of searching mysterious things, because, given the fact this is United States Air Force facility and based on some historical evidence, it most likely supports testing of experimental aircrafts and weapon systems. However you have to understand those who spread alien conspiracy theories, because the CIA officially acknowledged the existence of this area for the first time in 2013. "The forbidden aspect of Area 51 is what makes people want to know what's there," says aerospace historian and author Peter Merlin.
There are still some who are trespassing the zone despite of all the warning signs and I can tell you that it didn’t end well for them so if you’re in this situation, think twice before doing it.
Snake island
Image: https://goo.gl/7Fvjl8
We go next to more exotic place, a small island off the coast of Brazil called ‘ Snake island’, a name given due to the fact that it contains 4 000 of the world deadliest snakes. And when I mean deadliest, I really mean it. It literally MELTS human flesh.
Some estimates that you can find 1 golden lancehead snake on every square meter of the island and it’s deemed so dangerous that Brazilian navy banned tourists access. This type of snakes grows to be about 2 feet long and besides melting human flesh, their venom cause a lot of other symptoms, like : kidney failure, brain hemorrhaging, intestinal bleeding and necrosis.
You probably feel very safe now, but .. Have you ever seen a snake in your life ? I bet you will not feel so safe if you are in this situation.
However, no matter how beautiful and mysterious this island may sound, one thing is for sure. I’ll never go there !
Fort Knox
Image: https://goo.gl/BdSl9R
When we talk about money, Fort Knox should be mentioned. It holds the US gold bullion reserve, as well as other national treasures. It’s located in Kentucky with an area of 441 square kilometers. But how much gold can you find there?
Well, according to the federal deserve, almost 143 million ounces of gold can fit in there, which is valued to over 167 billions dollars. When talking about this amount it should be kept in a very secured place, but how secure is Fort Knox ? The answer is very. If you every think of breaking into Fort Knox you must know these things:
- First of all, a security perimeter defends it. It’s surrounded by fences and it’s guarded by almost 30 000 soldiers and military helicopters.
- Of course it’s also protected by multiple alarm systems. Once you pass this area you’ll have to somehow brake the 22 ton blast proof doors or its granite walls and bombproof roof. Good luck !
However, this amount of gold is just a joke when you think of the annual assets of US nation, which is around 15 trillion dollars, but other important documents were or are being kept there, like : the declaration of independence, the US constitution, the Magna Carte, the Gutenberg bible, the articles of confederation and many more.
Good luck into braking there if this ever crosses your mind !
Room 39
Image: https://goo.gl/pF9O6y
Another forbidden place is Room 39 and if you never heard about it, I’m not talking about an actual room. It’s officially called Central Committee Bureau 39 of the Korean Worker’s Party, a name too long if you ask me and that’s why is also referred as Room 39, Bureau 39, Division 39 or Office 39.
No one from the outer world knows exactly what is happening there, but it may be involved in illegal activities, like counterfeiting $100 bills, called "Superdollar" bills due the fact that the quality of the notes exceeds that of the originals. Another illegal thing that may happen there is the production of illegal substances, international insurance fraud and weapon sales.
Very little is known what happens within its perimeters and I think it will remain the same due to North Korea restrictions and its political direction.
Those are only some of the places you’re not allowed to visit. Stay tuned for part 2!