How to Find and Filter Water in The Bush with Limited Gear

Have you ever been lost in the bush and with only the things in your pocket. It can be a scary and dangerous situation if you cannot find water to drink. Your body can go 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food, as long as your body is hydrated.

Let's discuss first and foremost the ways to find water in the Wild or Bush. The easiest way to find water is to LISTEN. Listen for running water, perhaps a spring flowing in the distance, a creek or a small river flowing, you were not aware of in your location. The next easiest or logical way is to observe the behaviors of animals around you. Bee's require water frequently so if you can follow a path of the bee's that would be useful. Also Ants require water often as well and perhaps easier to follow. Birds and larger mammals all need water so you can follow or track them to a good water source. Another place that may provide a water source in the wild are the tree's. You can tap a tree, such as a Birch or Maple tree, they store water and may be a good resource in a desperate situation.

In order for you to be able to find a safe water that can sustain you for days or until you are found, you may not find a Maple or Birch tree, and your efforts may fail in tracking or following animals to a source of water, WHAT THEN.

The following methods take sometime so you would need to stay in the area that you are in and allow these methods to work. Best advice, I would have all three methods going at the same time to maximize the output. The first one is collecting rainwater. This is great if it actually rains. The next one is a catchment of collecting dew, which typically only comes in the mornings or late late evenings, as the temperatures drop. So what can you do in the daytime when you are desperate. You can always build a makeshift solar still. This may not provide an abundance of water especially if the sun is not strong. All 3 of these methods together may provide some relief for hydration.
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You never know when these tip's may save your life one day. If you are a survivalist and can offer any other methods to find and collect water that I have not already discussed please feel free to chime in with a comment. Stay tuned for my next post about methods of filtering water in the wild or bush. Happy Trails!

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