I Don't do this Often.....But this is Freakin COOL......Product Review.......... Heat Powered LED Lantern

I was yet again looking for batteries in the house.......GRRRRR......Teenagers.......and it seems in my home that they disappear faster than a set of matching socks. We had a temporary power outage, go figure, not the time to be looking for the batteries. Then I said to myself, there has got to be something better out there to use in a pinch, other than candles. So I started the research and low and behold look what I found. Now it does say to be used outdoors, but hey in a pinch with the window open, it works. CHECK this baby out.

Heat Powered Lantern.jpg

LED Lantern with Built-in Candle Power Generator

The light of one candle is multiplied 18 times using thermo-electric power! This ingenious, outdoor LED lantern impressively converts the heat of the candle into electricity to power 8 LED lights, which are under the shade – no batteries needed! To project light where you need it, just adjust the shade downward or outward – gives you quaint, attractive light bright enough to read comfortably.

Perfect for outdoor dining, patios, and campsites
Also great for simple emergency lighting: tea candles for fuel are stable, easy to store and inexpensive
Two settings: for ambiance, keep the shade down, or for bright lightening, extend shade up and outward
Over 70 lumens through 8 high-efficiency LEDs
Use with a 4 hour, 5/8" tea light candle
Comes with three tea light candles, one to use and two to spare
Metal construction with glass door
3-3/4 lb
Made in Canada with some imported parts
Note: Recommended for outdoor use

Click the link below to order your and they really are not that badly priced.
Happy Trails


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