A Taste of The Abundantly Free Life in Our Sustainable Community

We get a lot of questions about what daily life is like in our unique ecovillage, this anomaly within the matrix of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, so we'd like to give you a little taste of what we do and why we do it. 

As individuals, we have yearned and searched far and wide for freedom, purpose, and belonging our whole lives.  

Quinn founded the Garden of Eden 7 years ago, and it is the closest thing to that ideal that any of us have ever experienced. Instead of waking up to an alarm, putting on a uniform, leaving our children to go to the office, spending time around people we politely tolerate because it's appropriate, and working a job just to get a paycheck, we create our own roles in this community - roles that embody our values. 

What we want to do is build the new paradigm, so we devote our priceless hours and precious manpower towards that 7 days a week.

Building the new paradigm looks different for each one of us, and one of the most amazing things about the GOE is that every individual finds a place where their personal interests align with service to the greater purpose. Each person’s day is structured differently based on their unique passions and talents. Even though we take different paths to get there, together we achieve our collective goal of creating a healthier and more sustainable world for ALL.  

We LOVE freedom, so some of us are devoted to studying the law, defending our rights, and empowering others access to such freedom!

We operate a non-commercial enterprise to exchange resources; some of us invest time maintaining our boutique, website, and online realities. We've achieved an abundance; we have more than enough of everything we need while living true to our ideals!

We love sustainable building, so some of us salvage “trash” resources to construct and repair shelter for our people and animals.

We love gardening, so some of us maintain a football field-sized plot and numerous raised beds, and gather the wildcrafted plants that ring the property for food and medicine.  

We love high-vibe cuisine, so some of us spend time in the outdoor kitchen preparing dank feasts for ourselves and our extended community.


This is just an overview of our unique and sustainable life; there's plenty more to share as time goes on!

We hope to inspire you to do what you love to build a better world for ALL! 


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