Happy New Year from Our Ecovillage! May This Be The Best Year Yet!

With the dawning of the new year, this is an excellent time to take stock of the past, present, and future of our ecovillage.

We have done so much, yet there is still so much to do.

Let's face it - this world is a bit shit. People are more broken, unhappy, and unhealthy than ever before, and our social and political structures do not offer any real solutions.

WE, however, ARE dedicated to BEING THE CHANGE, because we can't afford to wait around for anyone else to build the world we want to see. It's up to each and every one of us to take responsibility for shaping our reality, and we take this honor, duty, and privilege very seriously.

We want to live in a world based on love,


and integrity - 

you know, REAL values!

So in 2017 we created more epic handmade goods and we provided more unique and personal services, and then we gave it all away (again!!).

We offered opportunities to engage in Ethical Merchantry, and we pledged the resources towards building a better world for all - we don't keep the proceeds for ourselves, but instead we flow the goodwill forward to help other people.

We invested our time, energy, and resources in feeding tens of thousands of free meals (again!!),

saving hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill (again!!),

achieving a negative carbon footprint by producing more than we consume (again!!),

and providing a safe space for children, mothers, and fathers to grow, play, learn, thrive, and live in love.

We provided a safe space for former drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless people to heal.

We immersed ourselves in Steemit, because we see the value of a decentralized revolution, the blockchain, and cryptocurrency, and touched hundreds of thousands of people around the world. 

Through these efforts and more, we saved more lives. 

We're not trained in any of this shit - we're dreamers & DOERS, and we're making it up as we go. Guided by @quinneaker's unwavering vision for a new paradigm of upgraded living for ALL, his extreme commitment, and his unrelenting generosity, the success of our ecovillage speaks for itself. 

We have no dogma, only the TRUTH that WE ARE FREE to do whatever we want with this precious life force.

We choose to use our gifts to inspire. We choose to support each other. We choose to uplift each other. We choose to blaze the trail of a whole new paradigm's potential. 

In 2018, building on our proven success over the past decade, we're expanding:

We are going to provide for more people than ever before.

We are going to feed, clothe, house, educate, heal, inspire, support, uplift, nurture, motivate, comfort, and excite more people to repair our aching human community & our living planet and PROTECT THE NEW GENERATION OF CHILDREN.

We invite you to dream harder than you've ever dreamed before, and we encourage you to do something about it.

We offer opportunities to be part of our project, or we offer our experience and wisdom to encourage you along your unique path. Everyone can contribute to a better world in their own way!  

The time is now, and the revolution begins within. 

Stay tuned for what we hope will be the most epic year yet from the Garden of Eden~*~

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all.

Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well! 

For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox!


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