Launching Our Revamped Weekly Newsletter: the Chronicles of Eden

We recently launched our revamped newsletter, the Chronicles of Eden!

We are dedicated to embodying an inspiring example for how life could be lived to its fullest while supporting humanity and our living planet, and we find that a weekly newsletter is one of the most effective ways to present this inspiration to people from all over the world.

We have tons of information to share towards building a better world for ALL! 

Each week, we share lots of valuable insight from our founder @quinneaker as well as major happenings in our ecovillage. We highlight:

  • New Paradigm Parenting perspectives to encourage a better way to approach this most important role in life.
  • Mouthgasmic Food Formulas
  • Natural Health
  • Bounties of the Land featuring super foods and wildcrafted abundance from the Earth
  • Holistic Harmonics dedicated to the healing power of sound
  • Sustainable Solutions for every aspect of life to honor our living planet
  • Our schedule of upcoming Epic Events

and much, much more including special discounts for our subscribers on the goods & services we offer on our website!

In addition to covering several important topics each week, we also heavily promote Steemit because it is an integral part of our current reality. We link many of our publications and present this platform to thousands of people each week who do not use and may have never heard of it! 

Here's an archive of our past issues:

If you would like to sign up to be part of our network and receive a wealth of valuable info delivered straight to your inbox each week, you can do so here:

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