Standing in Truth: Despite the SWAT Raid on our Sustainable Community, We Remain Committed to Being the Change We Wish To See In This World

Challenging the system and facing down the beast is a dangerous choice. Ultimately, to do anything truly great or revolutionary, you have to take the risk.

We’ve been living sustainably FOR YEARS with a below zero carbon footprint and great proven success, despite the incredible opposition we receive in this part of the country. (Did you know it's actually illegal to disconnect from the municipal water supply/sewer system? Or that it's illegal to feed the homeless without complying with a series of regulations in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area?) 

We have found a better way, so we are committed to creating, living, and sharing it with as many people as possible--and to standing UNWAVERINGLY in the fiery wrath that ensues.

We have been tested, and we have proven we stand for TRUTH.

In August 2013, shortly after our founder Quinn Eaker started making Youtube videos and releasing public content on the way the system really works (check out his Truth About Money series, for example), the beast reared its ugly head and tried to terrorize us into compliance with a $350,000 SWAT raid on our property with fully-loaded machine guns, black helicopters, snarling dogs, blacked out & completely unidentified uniforms & gear, and more adrenaline-charged soldiers than could be counted screaming orders at our adults and naked babies.  

That really happened to our community of free, peace-loving individuals.

The City of Arlington in Texas accused us of being a highly armed drug trafficking cartel and sent in their warriors. They could not produce a search warrant for HOURS, and in the end seized NOTHING named on that bogus warrant. They did, however, destroy our crops, steal our sustainable building material, and hold our people hostage for hours.

Yes it was horrific, but of course we don’t back down. We know the Truth, we're adamantly committed to it, and we appreciate the support that Steemit has shown us towards sharing it! 

Here's a taste of the media coverage of the SWAT raid executed on the Garden of Eden:

We remain committed to transparency, responsibility, and respect, and we hope to inspire everyone to BE THE CHANGE in this world no matter what resistance you might face!

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